[HTML][HTML] Critical review on improving irrigation water use efficiency: Advances, challenges, and opportunities in the Ethiopia context
DG Eshete, BG Sinshaw, KG Legese - Water-Energy Nexus, 2020 - Elsevier
The demand for fresh water is constantly increasing among all water users. Irrigation in
Ethiopia consumes a large amount of water extracted from various sources. Hence, efficient …
Ethiopia consumes a large amount of water extracted from various sources. Hence, efficient …
[HTML][HTML] Impacts of urbanization on food security in Ethiopia. A review with empirical evidence
MG Abebe - Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2024 - Elsevier
Currently, the globe is challenged by various problems, such as war/conflict, poverty, climate
change, and urbanization. Among them, Urbanization become the main problem. It has a …
change, and urbanization. Among them, Urbanization become the main problem. It has a …
Future changes in climate and hydroclimate extremes in East Africa
Climate change is affecting the agriculture, water, and energy sectors in East Africa and the
impact is projected to increase in the future. To allow adaptation and mitigation of the …
impact is projected to increase in the future. To allow adaptation and mitigation of the …
Evaluating the effects of climate change on precipitation and temperature for Iran using RCP scenarios
Climate change has caused many changes in hydrologic processes and climatic conditions
globally, while extreme events are likely to occur more frequently at a global scale with …
globally, while extreme events are likely to occur more frequently at a global scale with …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the effect of land/use land cover and climate change on water yield and groundwater recharge in East African Rift Valley using integrated model
Abstract Study region East African Rift Valley basin. Study focus Water availability in the rift
valley relies heavily on the discharge from the highlands to rivers that run to the rift floor. This …
valley relies heavily on the discharge from the highlands to rivers that run to the rift floor. This …
[HTML][HTML] The Ethiopian energy sector and its implications for the SDGs and modeling
AW Yalew - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition, 2022 - Elsevier
The level and mix of energy supply and consumption have substantial roles in sha** the
sustainable development pathway of a country. This is particularly important in develo** …
sustainable development pathway of a country. This is particularly important in develo** …
Understanding the role of catchment and climate characteristics in the propagation of meteorological to hydrological drought
Hydrological and meteorological droughts are complex hazards that cover a wide
spatiotemporal spectrum and can affect the economic, environmental, and social sectors …
spatiotemporal spectrum and can affect the economic, environmental, and social sectors …
Climate change impact assessment on the hydrology of a large river basin in Ethiopia using a local-scale climate modelling approach
Local-scale climate change adaptation is receiving more attention to reduce the adverse
effects of climate change. The process of develo** adaptation measures at local-scale …
effects of climate change. The process of develo** adaptation measures at local-scale …
Impact of climate change on the hydrology of the Upper Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
This study investigated the impacts of climate change on the hydrology of the Upper Awash
Basin, Ethiopia. A soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model was calibrated and …
Basin, Ethiopia. A soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model was calibrated and …
Impact of climate change on future precipitation amounts, seasonal distribution, and streamflow in the Omo-Gibe basin, Ethiopia
TP Orkodjo, G Kranjac-Berisavijevic, FK Abagale - Heliyon, 2022 - cell.com
This study projected the impact of climate change on the amount of precipitation, seasonal
distribution, and streamflow of the Omo-gibe basin, Ethiopia. Projections of climate change …
distribution, and streamflow of the Omo-gibe basin, Ethiopia. Projections of climate change …