[SÁCH][B] Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches
S Müller - 2023 - library.oapen.org
This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistic theorizing
(Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Grammar/Government & Binding, Generalized …
(Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Grammar/Government & Binding, Generalized …
[PDF][PDF] The evolution of HPSG
D Flickinger, C Pollard, T Wasow - Head-Driven Phrase Structure …, 2021 - library.oapen.org
HPSG was developed to express insights from theoretical linguistics in a precise formalism
that was computationally tractable. It drew ideas from a wide variety of traditions in …
that was computationally tractable. It drew ideas from a wide variety of traditions in …
[PDF][PDF] An overview of the trial version of the georgian self-develo** intellectual corpus necessary for creating georgian text analyzer, speech processing, and …
K Pkhakadze, M Chikvinidze, G Chichua… - Reports of Enlarged …, 2014 - viam.science.tsu.ge
In this paper, we will shortly overview a Trial Version of the Georgian Self-Develo**
Intellectual Corpus, which among the other trial systems created in our group1 is located on …
Intellectual Corpus, which among the other trial systems created in our group1 is located on …
[SÁCH][B] 语法理论: 从转换语法到基于约束的理论
S Müller - 2020 - books.google.com
包括短语结构语法, 转换语法—管辖与约束理论, 转换语法—最简方案, 广义短语结构语法 …
包括短语结构语法, 转换语法—管辖与约束理论, 转换语法—最简方案, 广义短语结构语法 …
[PDF][PDF] Towards a Georgian Controlled Language in Crisis Management
Controlled natural languages (CNLs) are engineered languages that are based on natural
language, but have their vocabulary, syntax, and/or semantics restricted [9]. The motivation …
language, but have their vocabulary, syntax, and/or semantics restricted [9]. The motivation …
Designing and Implementing an HPSG-Based Formal Grammar for Georgian
L Abzianidze - хдфисдаис йрдажки BOOK OF ABSTRACTS - academia.edu
In the abstract, I outline the results of my master thesis [1] which was accomplished during
The European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies1. Due to …
The European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies1. Due to …
[PDF][PDF] Stefan Müller Deutsche Grammatik Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie Freie Universität Berlin Stefan. Mueller@ fu-berlin. de
S Verlag - 2013 - hpsg.hu-berlin.de
In diesem Buch werden verschiedene Grammatiktheorien kurz vorgestellt, die in der
gegenwärtigen Theoriebildung eine Rolle spielen oder wesentliche Beiträge geleistet …
gegenwärtigen Theoriebildung eine Rolle spielen oder wesentliche Beiträge geleistet …
[TRÍCH DẪN][C] A. 7. Kategorialgrammatik
C VP, T PRESENT - Stefan Müller Deutsche Grammatik Institut für Deutsche …, 2013