The changing form of Antarctic biodiversity
Antarctic biodiversity is much more extensive, ecologically diverse and biogeographically
structured than previously thought. Understanding of how this diversity is distributed in …
structured than previously thought. Understanding of how this diversity is distributed in …
Species radiations in the sea: what the flock?
Species flocks are proliferations of closely-related species, usually after colonization of
depauperate habitat. These radiations are abundant on oceanic islands and in ancient …
depauperate habitat. These radiations are abundant on oceanic islands and in ancient …
Molecular phylogeny of the highly diversified catfish subfamily Loricariinae (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) reveals incongruences with morphological classification
The Loricariinae belong to the Neotropical mailed catfish family Loricariidae, the most
species-rich catfish family. Among loricariids, members of the Loricariinae are united by a …
species-rich catfish family. Among loricariids, members of the Loricariinae are united by a …
Projected asymmetric response of Adélie penguins to Antarctic climate change
The contribution of climate change to shifts in a species' geographic distribution is a critical
and often unresolved ecological question. Climate change in Antarctica is asymmetric, with …
and often unresolved ecological question. Climate change in Antarctica is asymmetric, with …
Molecular phylogeny for the Neotropical freshwater stingrays (Myliobatiformes: Potamotrygoninae) reveals limitations of traditional taxonomy
The subfamily Potamotrygoninae, the only extant clade of elasmobranchs exclusive to
freshwater environments, encompasses four genera and 38 species distributed across …
freshwater environments, encompasses four genera and 38 species distributed across …
Bathymetric distributions of notothenioid fishes
JT Eastman - Polar Biology, 2017 - Springer
There has been no comprehensive study of the bathymetry of notothenioid fishes. Therefore,
I analyzed minimum and maximum depths and depth ranges for 128 of 142 species that …
I analyzed minimum and maximum depths and depth ranges for 128 of 142 species that …
Mobilization of retrotransposons as a cause of chromosomal diversification and rapid speciation: the case for the Antarctic teleost genus Trematomus
J Auvinet, P Graça, L Belkadi, L Petit, E Bonnivard… - BMC genomics, 2018 - Springer
Background The importance of transposable elements (TEs) in the genomic remodeling and
chromosomal rearrangements that accompany lineage diversification in vertebrates remains …
chromosomal rearrangements that accompany lineage diversification in vertebrates remains …
The axes of divergence for the evolutionary radiation of notothenioid fishes in Antarctica
JT Eastman - Diversity, 2024 - search.proquest.com
Notothenioid fishes, a perciform group, radiated in the cold shelf waters around the Antarctic
continent and the 110 species dominate fish diversity, abundance, and biomass at levels …
continent and the 110 species dominate fish diversity, abundance, and biomass at levels …
Adaptation of proteins to the cold in Antarctic fish: a role for methionine?
The evolution of antifreeze glycoproteins has enabled notothenioid fish to flourish in the
freezing waters of the Southern Ocean. Whereas successful at the biodiversity level to life in …
freezing waters of the Southern Ocean. Whereas successful at the biodiversity level to life in …
One Antarctic slug to confuse them all: the underestimated diversity of Doris kerguelenensis
The Antarctic marine environment, although rich in life, is predicted to experience rapid and
significant effects from climate change. Despite a revolution in the approaches used to …
significant effects from climate change. Despite a revolution in the approaches used to …