Bilingual language development in infancy: What can we do to support bilingual families?
Many infants and children around the world grow up exposed to two or more languages.
Their success in learning each of their languages is a direct consequence of the quantity …
Their success in learning each of their languages is a direct consequence of the quantity …
Cross-language distance influences receptive vocabulary outcomes of bilingual children
Various studies have shown that bilingual children score lower than their monolingual peers
on standardized receptive vocabulary tests. This study investigates if this effect is moderated …
on standardized receptive vocabulary tests. This study investigates if this effect is moderated …
Bilingual children adapt to the needs of their communication partners, monolinguals do not
We explored the ability of children to adapt their communication to the needs of their
communication partner. Monolingual and bilingual 3‐year‐old children (N= 110) observed …
communication partner. Monolingual and bilingual 3‐year‐old children (N= 110) observed …
Linking norms, ratings, and relations of words and concepts across multiple language varieties
Psychologists and linguists collect various data on word and concept properties. In
psychology, scholars have accumulated norms and ratings for a large number of words in …
psychology, scholars have accumulated norms and ratings for a large number of words in …
Do you understand what I want to tell you? Early sensitivity in bilinguals' iconic gesture perception and production
Previous research has shown differences in monolingual and bilingual communication. We
explored whether monolingual and bilingual pre‐schoolers (N= 80) differ in their ability to …
explored whether monolingual and bilingual pre‐schoolers (N= 80) differ in their ability to …
Understanding verbal indirect communication in monolingual and bilingual children
Indirect communication occurs when a speaker does not explicitly say what s/he means but
rather only hints at it and the recipient has to make inferences to uncover the speaker's …
rather only hints at it and the recipient has to make inferences to uncover the speaker's …
Sometimes larger, sometimes smaller: Measuring vocabulary in monolingual and bilingual infants and toddlers
Vocabulary size is a crucial early indicator of language development, for both monolingual
and bilingual children. Assessing vocabulary in bilingual children is complex because they …
and bilingual children. Assessing vocabulary in bilingual children is complex because they …
Vocabulary production in toddlers from low-income immigrant families: Evidence from children exposed to Romanian-Italian and Nigerian English-Italian
The relationship between first and second language in early vocabulary acquisition in
bilingual children is still debated in the literature. This study compared the expressive …
bilingual children is still debated in the literature. This study compared the expressive …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of causal language on causal understanding: A comparison between Swiss German and Turkish
Young children have difficulties in understanding untypical causal relations. Although we
know that hearing a causal description facilitates this understanding, less is known about …
know that hearing a causal description facilitates this understanding, less is known about …
Individuell angemessene und wirksame sprachliche Bildungsangebote sollten nicht nur an
sprachlichen Lernzielen, sondern auch an den jeweiligen sprachlichen Ausgangslagen der …
sprachlichen Lernzielen, sondern auch an den jeweiligen sprachlichen Ausgangslagen der …