[HTML][HTML] Inner speech as language process and cognitive tool

C Fernyhough, AM Borghi - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2023 - cell.com
Many people report a form of internal language known as inner speech (IS). This review
examines recent growth of research interest in the phenomenon, which has broadly …

[HTML][HTML] Generative artificial intelligence and ethical considerations in health care: a sco** review and ethics checklist

Y Ning, S Teixayavong, Y Shang… - The Lancet Digital …, 2024 - thelancet.com
The widespread use of Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (known as ChatGPT) and
other emerging technology that is powered by generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has …

[HTML][HTML] Connecting the dots in trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: From AI principles, ethics, and key requirements to responsible AI systems and regulation

N Díaz-Rodríguez, J Del Ser, M Coeckelbergh… - Information …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) is based on seven technical requirements
sustained over three main pillars that should be met throughout the system's entire life cycle …

High-resolution image reconstruction with latent diffusion models from human brain activity

Y Takagi, S Nishimoto - … of the IEEE/CVF Conference on …, 2023 - openaccess.thecvf.com
Reconstructing visual experiences from human brain activity offers a unique way to
understand how the brain represents the world, and to interpret the connection between …

Decoding speech perception from non-invasive brain recordings

A Défossez, C Caucheteux, J Rapin, O Kabeli… - Nature Machine …, 2023 - nature.com
Decoding speech from brain activity is a long-awaited goal in both healthcare and
neuroscience. Invasive devices have recently led to major milestones in this regard: deep …

Reconstructing the mind's eye: fmri-to-image with contrastive learning and diffusion priors

P Scotti, A Banerjee, J Goode… - Advances in …, 2023 - proceedings.neurips.cc
We present MindEye, a novel fMRI-to-image approach to retrieve and reconstruct viewed
images from brain activity. Our model comprises two parallel submodules that are …

[PDF][PDF] Levels of AGI for Operationalizing Progress on the Path to AGI

MR Morris, J Sohl-Dickstein, N Fiedel… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 - foreveryscale.com
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) 1 is an important and sometimes controversial concept in
computing research, used to describe an AI system that is at least as capable as a human at …

A survey of Generative AI Applications

R Gozalo-Brizuela, EC Garrido-Merchán - arxiv preprint arxiv:2306.02781, 2023 - arxiv.org
Generative AI has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, leading to a wide array of
applications across diverse domains. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of …

Driving and suppressing the human language network using large language models

G Tuckute, A Sathe, S Srikant, M Taliaferro… - Nature Human …, 2024 - nature.com
Transformer models such as GPT generate human-like language and are predictive of
human brain responses to language. Here, using functional-MRI-measured brain responses …

Scaling laws for language encoding models in fMRI

R Antonello, A Vaidya, A Huth - Advances in Neural …, 2023 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Abstract Representations from transformer-based unidirectional language models are
known to be effective at predicting brain responses to natural language. However, most …