Top-down visual saliency via joint CRF and dictionary learning

J Yang, MH Yang - IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and …, 2016 -
Top-down visual saliency is an important module of visual attention. In this work, we propose
a novel top-down saliency model that jointly learns a Conditional Random Field (CRF) and a …

Adaptive fuzzy‐based energy and delay‐aware routing protocol for a heterogeneous sensor network

SK Mothku, RR Rout - Journal of Computer Networks and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
In a heterogeneous sensor actor network, packet loss may occur due to bad link quality,
overflow of buffer, and low energy levels. Retransmission of the lost packets leads to more …

Network-coding-enabled and QoS-aware message delivery for wireless sensor networks

S Abdullah, MN Asghar, M Fleury… - Wireless Personal …, 2023 - Springer
Message-transmission energy expenditure dominates battery lifetime in a Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN). This paper newly combines network coding with a brokered WSN …

Markov decision process-based switching algorithm for sustainable rechargeable wireless sensor networks

RR Rout, MS Krishna, S Gupta - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016 -
In a tree-based wireless sensor network (WSN), a tree structure rooted at sink node is
usually created for efficient data collection. Recently, the use of solar harvesting …

FLER: Fuzzy Logic-Based Energy Efficient Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks

T Stephan, S Punitha, A Shankar… - Advances in Computing …, 2022 - Springer
The Routing of data packets in a wireless sensor network (WSN) is affected by a variety of
physical factors including poor node-link quality, insufficient buffer capacity, and insufficient …

Impact of temporal and spatial application modeling on event-triggered wireless sensor network evaluation

L Brisolara, PR Ferreira… - … Brazilian Symposium on …, 2015 -
This paper presents an approach for event-triggered wireless sensor networks (WSN)
application modeling, aiming to evaluate the performance of WSN configurations with …

Eboracum: An extensible framework for high-level modeling and evaluation of reactive and adaptable WSNs

MRS Marques, L Brisolara, PR Ferreira… - 2016 IEEE 21st …, 2016 -
Eboracum is an extensible modeling simulation framework for evaluation of reactive and
adaptable wireless sensor networks (WSN), which provides high-level primitives for …

Application modeling for performance evaluation on event-triggered wireless sensor networks

L Brisolara, PR Ferreira, LS Indrusiak - Design Automation for Embedded …, 2016 - Springer
This paper presents an approach for event-triggered wireless sensor network (WSN)
application modeling, aiming to evaluate the performance of WSN configurations with …

[CITARE][C] Energy Efficient and Reliable Algorithms for Data Gathering inWireless Sensor and Actor Networks

SK Mothku - 2019