Droplet epitaxy of semiconductor nanostructures for quantum photonic devices
The long dreamed 'quantum internet'would consist of a network of quantum nodes (solid-
state or atomic systems) linked by flying qubits, naturally based on photons, travelling over …
state or atomic systems) linked by flying qubits, naturally based on photons, travelling over …
Nanomaterials for quantum information science and engineering
Quantum information science and engineering (QISE)—which entails the use of quantum
mechanical states for information processing, communications, and sensing—and the area …
mechanical states for information processing, communications, and sensing—and the area …
Engineered quantum dot single-photon sources
Fast, high efficiency and low error single-photon sources are required for the implementation
of a number of quantum information processing applications. The fastest triggered single …
of a number of quantum information processing applications. The fastest triggered single …
Ultra-small excitonic fine structure splitting in highly symmetric quantum dots on GaAs (001) substrate
We prepare symmetry-controlled GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots (QDs) on (001) GaAs
substrates by infilling GaAs into AlGaAs nanoholes. For the most symmetric QDs, we …
substrates by infilling GaAs into AlGaAs nanoholes. For the most symmetric QDs, we …
[ספר][B] Electron & Nuclear Spin Dynamics in Semiconductor Nanostructures
MM Glazov - 2018 - books.google.com
In recent years, the physics community has experienced a revival of interest in spin effects in
solid state systems. On one hand, the solid state systems, particularly, semiconductors and …
solid state systems. On one hand, the solid state systems, particularly, semiconductors and …
Symmetric quantum dots as efficient sources of highly entangled photons: Violation of Bell's inequality without spectral and temporal filtering
An ideal emitter of entangled photon pairs combines the perfect symmetry of an atom with
the convenient electrical trigger of light sources based on semiconductor quantum dots. Our …
the convenient electrical trigger of light sources based on semiconductor quantum dots. Our …
High-yield fabrication of entangled photon emitters for hybrid quantum networking using high-temperature droplet epitaxy
Several semiconductor quantum dot techniques have been investigated for the generation
of entangled photon pairs. Among the other techniques, droplet epitaxy enables the control …
of entangled photon pairs. Among the other techniques, droplet epitaxy enables the control …
[HTML][HTML] Molecular beam epitaxy of lattice-matched InAlAs and InGaAs layers on InP (111) A,(111) B, and (110)
For more than 50 years, research into III–V compound semiconductors has focused almost
exclusively on materials grown on (001)-oriented substrates. In part, this is due to the …
exclusively on materials grown on (001)-oriented substrates. In part, this is due to the …
InAs/AlGaAs quantum dots for single-photon emission in a red spectral range
We report on comparative optical studies of InAs/Al0. 44Ga0. 56As quantum dots (QDs)
grown by molecular beam epitaxy either with or without a thin GaAs interlayer inserted …
grown by molecular beam epitaxy either with or without a thin GaAs interlayer inserted …
Size-dependent line broadening in the emission spectra of single GaAs quantum dots: Impact of surface charge on spectral diffusion
Making use of droplet epitaxy, we systematically controlled the height of self-assembled
GaAs quantum dots by more than one order of magnitude. The photoluminescence spectra …
GaAs quantum dots by more than one order of magnitude. The photoluminescence spectra …