[HTML][HTML] An overview of the classification, production and utilization of biofuels for internal combustion engine applications
Biofuel, a cost-effective, safe, and environmentally benign fuel produced from renewable
sources, has been accepted as a sustainable replacement and a panacea for the damaging …
sources, has been accepted as a sustainable replacement and a panacea for the damaging …
[HTML][HTML] Application of machine learning to stress corrosion cracking risk assessment
AH Alamri - Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 2022 - Elsevier
One of the greatest challenges faced by industries today is corrosion and of which, one of
the most vital forms is stress corrosion cracking (SCC). It brings highest forms of risks to the …
the most vital forms is stress corrosion cracking (SCC). It brings highest forms of risks to the …
A comparative study of machine learning methods for bio-oil yield prediction–a genetic algorithm-based features selection
A novel genetic algorithm-based feature selection approach is incorporated and based on
these features, four different ML methods were investigated. According to the findings, ML …
these features, four different ML methods were investigated. According to the findings, ML …
[HTML][HTML] Predictability of higher heating value of biomass feedstocks via proximate and ultimate analyses–A comprehensive study of artificial neural network …
Higher heating value (HHV) is a key characteristic for the assessment and selection of
biomass feedstocks as a fuel source. The HHV is usually measured using an adiabatic …
biomass feedstocks as a fuel source. The HHV is usually measured using an adiabatic …
[HTML][HTML] Prediction of CO2 solubility in water at high pressure and temperature via deep learning and response surface methodology
In the present study, temperature of 313.15–473.15 K and pressure of 0.5–200 MPa have
been developed for the CO 2 solubility simulations via deep learning artificial (ANN) neural …
been developed for the CO 2 solubility simulations via deep learning artificial (ANN) neural …
Prediction of HHV of fuel by Machine learning Algorithm: Interpretability analysis using Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP)
This study presents a novel approach using machine learning techniques to estimate waste
materials' higher heating value (HHV), which plays a crucial role in waste-to-energy …
materials' higher heating value (HHV), which plays a crucial role in waste-to-energy …
[HTML][HTML] Predicting shrinkage of alkali-activated blast furnace-fly ash mortars using artificial neural network (ANN)
Drying shrinkage of alkali-activated binders are recognized as one of the most important
properties towards quality assurance of the binders. In this study, results of experimental …
properties towards quality assurance of the binders. In this study, results of experimental …
Prediction of higher heating value of coal based on gradient boosting regression tree model
Higher heating value, also known as the coal calorific value, is an important indicator of coal
quality. Nevertheless, traditional experimental determination of higher heating value is …
quality. Nevertheless, traditional experimental determination of higher heating value is …
Modelling of municipal solid waste gasification using an optimised ensemble soft computing model
Modelling and simulation of municipal solid waste (MSW) gasification process is a complex
and computationally expensive task due to the porous structure of MSW and the nonlinear …
and computationally expensive task due to the porous structure of MSW and the nonlinear …
Development of lower heating value prediction models and estimation of energy recovery potential of municipal solid waste and RDF incineration
Due to heterogeneity in municipal solid waste (MSW) characteristics and composition, the
already available heating value estimation methods cannot be accurately applied for the …
already available heating value estimation methods cannot be accurately applied for the …