Many-body quantum chaos: Recent developments and applications to nuclei

JMG Gómez, K Kar, VKB Kota, RA Molina, A Relaño… - Physics Reports, 2011 - Elsevier
In the last decade, there has been an increasing interest in the analysis of energy level
spectra and wave functions of nuclei, particles, atoms and other quantum many-body …

Corrected Analytical Solution of the Generalized Woods-Saxon Potential for Arbitrary States

O Bayrak, E Aciksoz - arxiv preprint arxiv:1501.02948, 2015 -
The bound state solution of the radial Schr\"{o} dinger equation with the generalized Woods-
Saxon potential is carefully examined by using the Pekeris approximation for arbitrary $\ell …

Any l-state solutions of the Woods–saxon potential in arbitrary dimensions within the new improved quantization rule

SM Ikhdair, R Sever - International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2010 - World Scientific
The approximated energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the
spherical Woods–Saxon effective potential in D dimensions are obtained within the new …

Bound states of the Dirac equation for the generalized Woods–Saxon potential in pseudospin and spin symmetry limits

N Candemir, O Bayrak - Modern Physics Letters A, 2014 - World Scientific
Bound state solutions of the Dirac equation for the generalized Woods–Saxon potential are
examined for arbitrary κ states by using the approximation to the Coulomb and centrifugal …

Bound states of the D-dimensional Schrödinger equation for the generalized Woods–Saxon potential

VH Badalov, B Baris, K Uzun - Modern Physics Letters A, 2019 - World Scientific
The formal framework for quantum mechanics is an infinite number of dimensional space.
Hereby, in any analytical calculation of the quantum system, the energy eigenvalues and …

Partial dynamical symmetry versus quasi dynamical symmetry examination within a quantum chaos analyses of spectral data for even–even nuclei

H Sabri, SKM Mobarakeh, AJ Majarshin, YA Luo… - Scientific Reports, 2021 -
Statistical analyses of the spectral distributions of rotational bands in 51 deformed prolate
even–even nuclei in the 152≤ A≤ 250 mass region R 4 1+/2 1+≥ 3.00 are examined in …

Study of Bohr Mottelson Hamiltonian with minimal length effect for Woods-Saxon potential and its thermodynamic properties

A Suparmi, LK Permatahati, S Faniandari, Y Iriani… - Heliyon, 2021 -
Abstract The Bohr Mottelson Hamiltonian with the variable of β collective shape for the
Woods-Saxon potential in the rigid deformed nucleus for γ= 0 and the X (3) model was …

Underlying symmetries of realistic interactions and the nuclear many-body problem

KD Sviratcheva, JP Draayer, JP Vary - Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics, 2006 - APS
The present study brings forward important information, within the framework of spectral
distribution theory, about the types of forces that dominate three realistic interactions, CD …

[HTML][HTML] Spectral statistics of rare-earth nuclei: Investigation of shell model configuration effect

H Sabri - Nuclear Physics A, 2015 - Elsevier
The spectral statistics of even–even rare-earth nuclei are investigated by using all the
available empirical data for Ba, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb and Hf isotopes. The Berry …

Near spherical shell-model structure of the state in from g-factor measurements

EA Stefanova, N Benczer-Koller, GJ Kumbartzki… - Physical Review C …, 2005 - APS
The g factor of the 2 1+ state in Ar 40 has been measured by use of Coulomb excitation in
inverse kinematics and the transient magnetic-field technique. The resulting g factor, g (2 …