Many-body quantum chaos: Recent developments and applications to nuclei
In the last decade, there has been an increasing interest in the analysis of energy level
spectra and wave functions of nuclei, particles, atoms and other quantum many-body …
spectra and wave functions of nuclei, particles, atoms and other quantum many-body …
Corrected Analytical Solution of the Generalized Woods-Saxon Potential for Arbitrary States
O Bayrak, E Aciksoz - arxiv preprint arxiv:1501.02948, 2015 -
The bound state solution of the radial Schr\"{o} dinger equation with the generalized Woods-
Saxon potential is carefully examined by using the Pekeris approximation for arbitrary $\ell …
Saxon potential is carefully examined by using the Pekeris approximation for arbitrary $\ell …
Any l-state solutions of the Woods–saxon potential in arbitrary dimensions within the new improved quantization rule
SM Ikhdair, R Sever - International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2010 - World Scientific
The approximated energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the
spherical Woods–Saxon effective potential in D dimensions are obtained within the new …
spherical Woods–Saxon effective potential in D dimensions are obtained within the new …
Bound states of the Dirac equation for the generalized Woods–Saxon potential in pseudospin and spin symmetry limits
Bound state solutions of the Dirac equation for the generalized Woods–Saxon potential are
examined for arbitrary κ states by using the approximation to the Coulomb and centrifugal …
examined for arbitrary κ states by using the approximation to the Coulomb and centrifugal …
Bound states of the D-dimensional Schrödinger equation for the generalized Woods–Saxon potential
VH Badalov, B Baris, K Uzun - Modern Physics Letters A, 2019 - World Scientific
The formal framework for quantum mechanics is an infinite number of dimensional space.
Hereby, in any analytical calculation of the quantum system, the energy eigenvalues and …
Hereby, in any analytical calculation of the quantum system, the energy eigenvalues and …
Partial dynamical symmetry versus quasi dynamical symmetry examination within a quantum chaos analyses of spectral data for even–even nuclei
Statistical analyses of the spectral distributions of rotational bands in 51 deformed prolate
even–even nuclei in the 152≤ A≤ 250 mass region R 4 1+/2 1+≥ 3.00 are examined in …
even–even nuclei in the 152≤ A≤ 250 mass region R 4 1+/2 1+≥ 3.00 are examined in …
Study of Bohr Mottelson Hamiltonian with minimal length effect for Woods-Saxon potential and its thermodynamic properties
Abstract The Bohr Mottelson Hamiltonian with the variable of β collective shape for the
Woods-Saxon potential in the rigid deformed nucleus for γ= 0 and the X (3) model was …
Woods-Saxon potential in the rigid deformed nucleus for γ= 0 and the X (3) model was …
Underlying symmetries of realistic interactions and the nuclear many-body problem
KD Sviratcheva, JP Draayer, JP Vary - Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics, 2006 - APS
The present study brings forward important information, within the framework of spectral
distribution theory, about the types of forces that dominate three realistic interactions, CD …
distribution theory, about the types of forces that dominate three realistic interactions, CD …
[HTML][HTML] Spectral statistics of rare-earth nuclei: Investigation of shell model configuration effect
H Sabri - Nuclear Physics A, 2015 - Elsevier
The spectral statistics of even–even rare-earth nuclei are investigated by using all the
available empirical data for Ba, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb and Hf isotopes. The Berry …
available empirical data for Ba, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb and Hf isotopes. The Berry …
Near spherical shell-model structure of the state in from g-factor measurements
EA Stefanova, N Benczer-Koller, GJ Kumbartzki… - Physical Review C …, 2005 - APS
The g factor of the 2 1+ state in Ar 40 has been measured by use of Coulomb excitation in
inverse kinematics and the transient magnetic-field technique. The resulting g factor, g (2 …
inverse kinematics and the transient magnetic-field technique. The resulting g factor, g (2 …