A survey of botnet technology and defenses
Global Internet threats have undergone a profound transformation from attacks designed
solely to disable infrastructure to those that also target people and organizations. At the …
solely to disable infrastructure to those that also target people and organizations. At the …
[PDF][PDF] Effective and efficient malware detection at the end host.
Malware is one of the most serious security threats on the Internet today. In fact, most
Internet problems such as spam e-mails and denial of service attacks have malware as their …
Internet problems such as spam e-mails and denial of service attacks have malware as their …
Why Johnny can't pentest: An analysis of black-box web vulnerability scanners
Black-box web vulnerability scanners are a class of tools that can be used to identify security
issues in web applications. These tools are often marketed as “point-and-click pentesting” …
issues in web applications. These tools are often marketed as “point-and-click pentesting” …
Evilseed: A guided approach to finding malicious web pages
Malicious web pages that use drive-by download attacks or social engineering techniques to
install unwanted software on a user's computer have become the main avenue for the …
install unwanted software on a user's computer have become the main avenue for the …
Automated attack synthesis by extracting finite state machines from protocol specification documents
Automated attack discovery techniques, such as attacker synthesis or model-based fuzzing,
provide powerful ways to ensure network protocols operate correctly and securely. Such …
provide powerful ways to ensure network protocols operate correctly and securely. Such …
A survey on fake entities as a method to detect and monitor malicious activity
This paper surveys research concentrating on fake entities as a method to detect and
monitor malware. A fake entity is a digital entity (such as a file) no one except a malicious …
monitor malware. A fake entity is a digital entity (such as a file) no one except a malicious …
Marionette: A programmable network traffic obfuscation system
Recently, a number of obfuscation systems have been developed to aid in censorship
circumvention scenarios where encrypted network traffic is filtered. In this paper, we present …
circumvention scenarios where encrypted network traffic is filtered. In this paper, we present …
[PDF][PDF] Cybercrime 2.0: when the cloud turns dark
Cybercrime 2.0 Page 1 Page 2 practice APriL 2009 | voL. 53 | no. 4 | communicAtionS of the
Acm 43 Pho t ogra P hb yn eil c rosb y Not only did they change their tactics, but also their …
Acm 43 Pho t ogra P hb yn eil c rosb y Not only did they change their tactics, but also their …
Methods, systems, and computer readable media for detecting injected machine code
According to one aspect, the Subject matter described herein includes a method for
detecting injected machine code. The method includes extracting data content from a buffer …
detecting injected machine code. The method includes extracting data content from a buffer …
Firmpot: A framework for intelligent-interaction honeypots using firmware of iot devices
IoT honeypots that mimic the behavior of IoT devices for threat analysis are becoming
increasingly important. Existing honeypot systems use devices with a specific version of …
increasingly important. Existing honeypot systems use devices with a specific version of …