Experimental geographies

A Last - Geography Compass, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The proliferation of the term 'experimental'in human geography has given rise to the
question of how geographers experiment. Given the range of different examples‐from …

Exploring the critical potential of the borderscapes concept

C Brambilla - Geopolitics, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The conceptual evolution of borders has been characterised by important changes in the
last twenty years. After the processual shift of the 1990s (from border to bordering), in recent …

[BOK][B] Media life

M Deuze - 2012 - books.google.com
Research consistently shows how through the years more of our time gets spent using
media, how multitasking our media has become a regular feature of everyday life, and that …

[BOK][B] For creative geographies: Geography, visual arts and the making of worlds

H Hawkins - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This book provides the first sustained critical exploration, and celebration, of the relationship
between Geography and the contemporary Visual Arts. With the growth of research in the …

Navigating place: Extending perspectives on place in organization studies

MT Dacin, TB Zilber, M Cartel… - Organization Studies, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
We draw upon the metaphor of navigation to rethink how we think about place. We highlight
three extensions that dominate current place-sensitive organizational research. We draw …

Entering a risky territory: Space in the age of digital navigation

V November, E Camacho-Hübner… - … and planning D …, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
Relying on the fecund interface of three fields—studies in science, risk geography, and
knowledge management—this paper notes first that the lack of understanding of the …

[BOK][B] Critical concepts for the creative humanities

I Van der Tuin, N Verhoeff - 2022 - books.google.com
This concise, precise, and inclusive dictionary contributes to a growing, transforming, and
living research culture within both humanities scholarship and professional practices within …

Queering the map: The productive tensions of colliding epistemologies

M Brown, L Knopp - Annals of the association of American …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing on and speaking to literatures in geographic information systems (GIS), queer
geography, and queer urban history, we chronicle ethnographically our experience as queer …

Spatial adventures in energy studies: An introduction to the special issue

VC Broto, L Baker - Energy research & social science, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper has two purposes: first, it makes a case for the development of energy studies
perspectives that consider 'relational space'as a critical concept organising the provision …

Narco-degradation: Cocaine trafficking's environmental impacts in Central America's protected areas

JA Devine, D Wrathall, B Aguilar-González… - World Development, 2021 - Elsevier
Central America exemplifies a dynamic unfolding around the world where transnational illicit
economies are driving land use change. Despite an extensive network of protected areas …