Ethnobotanical and food composition monographs of selected Mediterranean wild edible plants
This chapter presents 38 monographs about 41 selected wild edible plants traditionally
consumed in different countries of the Mediterranean basin: Allium ampeloprasum, Anchusa …
consumed in different countries of the Mediterranean basin: Allium ampeloprasum, Anchusa …
[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of heavy metals in medicinal plants growing in Vellore District
Medicinal plants were the potent source of therapeutic molecules to heal various diseases in
the world. The amount of heavy metals in the plants was analyzed to show the potential …
the world. The amount of heavy metals in the plants was analyzed to show the potential …
Determination of potentially toxic heavy metals in traditionally used medicinal plants for HIV/AIDS opportunistic infections in Ngamiland District in Northern Botswana
The determination of four potentially toxic heavy metals, arsenic, chromium, lead and nickel
in twelve plant species used for the treatment of perceived HIV and AIDS-associated …
in twelve plant species used for the treatment of perceived HIV and AIDS-associated …
[PDF][PDF] Metal concentration in commonly used medicinal herbs and infusion by Lebanese population: health impact
The levels of K, Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Pb, As, Cd, Cr, and Pb in commonly used medicinal
herbs and their infusions by Lebanese were analyzed by EDXRF and ASS techniques …
herbs and their infusions by Lebanese were analyzed by EDXRF and ASS techniques …
[PDF][PDF] Determination of potentially toxic heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cd) in popular medicinal herbs in the coal power plant area
DN Badea - Rev. Chim, 2015 -
Medicinal and aromatic plants are of particular interest for human health. The purpose of this
research is to determine the concentration and dispersion of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Hg, in …
research is to determine the concentration and dispersion of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Hg, in …
Characterization of leaves used in infusion preparation grown in northeastern Brazil by chemometric methods based on their multi-elemental composition
MFL FERNANDES, SM MORAES… - Food Science and …, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
In many places of the world, medicinal plants represent the only form of treatment for various
diseases. This work aimed to determine and correlate minerals of infusions and leaves of …
diseases. This work aimed to determine and correlate minerals of infusions and leaves of …
Comparison of element contents in haricot beans grown under organic and conventional farming regime for human nutrition and health
U Akbaba, Y Sahin, H Turkez - Acta Scientiarum Polonorum …, 2012 -
Today, sustainable agriculture and food content is a very important issue in the world.
Organic farming practices are very important in this respect. This study was made to observe …
Organic farming practices are very important in this respect. This study was made to observe …
Phytochemical analysis of Simarouba glauca DC and its antibacterial activity against MDR Salmonella Typhi
N Nagaraj, V Hegde, SK Gowda… - Journal of …, 2021 -
According to the WHO's most recent estimates, between 11 and 21 million cases and
128,000 to 161,000 typhoid related deaths occur annually worldwide. Chemicals: Alcohol …
128,000 to 161,000 typhoid related deaths occur annually worldwide. Chemicals: Alcohol …
[PDF][PDF] A Comparative study of heavy metals in Emblica officinalis, Phyllanthus emblica and Azadirachta indica
VN Kumar, AK Vibha - Int Res J Biological Sci, 2013 -
Medicinal plants play vital role in healthcare sector for develo** nation and potent source
of therapeutic molecules to heal various diseases in the world. The quantity of heavy metals …
of therapeutic molecules to heal various diseases in the world. The quantity of heavy metals …
The element contents in chickpeas grown under organic and conventional farming regimes using WDXRF analysis for human nutrition and health
U Akbaba, Y Şahin, H Türkez - Turkish Journal of Physics, 2012 -
A comparative study on elemental composition of various chickpea (Cicer arientînum L)
samples was conducted by using wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF). 22 …
samples was conducted by using wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF). 22 …