Water release through plant roots: new insights into its consequences at the plant and ecosystem level

I Prieto, C Armas, FI Pugnaire - New Phytologist, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Hydraulic redistribution (HR) is the passive movement of water between different soil parts
via plant root systems, driven by water potential gradients in the soil–plant interface. New …

Plant root mechanisms and their effects on carbon and nutrient accumulation in desert ecosystems under changes in land use and climate

A Tariq, C Graciano, J Sardans, F Zeng… - New …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Deserts represent key carbon reservoirs, yet as these systems are threatened this has
implications for biodiversity and climate change. This review focuses on how these changes …

Riparian vegetation: degradation, alien plant invasions, and restoration prospects

DM Richardson, PM Holmes, KJ Esler… - Diversity and …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Rivers are conduits for materials and energy; this, the frequent and intense disturbances that
these systems experience, and their narrow, linear nature, create problems for conservation …

The magnitude of hydraulic redistribution by plant roots: a review and synthesis of empirical and modeling studies

RB Neumann, ZG Cardon - New Phytologist, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Hydraulic redistribution (HR)–the movement of water from moist to dry soil through plant
roots–occurs worldwide within a range of different ecosystems and plant species. The …

Nighttime transpiration in woody plants from contrasting ecosystems

TE Dawson, SSO Burgess, KP Tu, RS Oliveira… - Tree …, 2007 - academic.oup.com
It is commonly assumed that transpiration does not occur at night because leaf stomata are
closed in the dark. We tested this assumption across a diversity of ecosystems and woody …

[PDF][PDF] At what scales do climate variability and land cover change impact on flooding and low flows?

G Blöschl, S Ardoin-Bardin, M Bonell… - Hydrological …, 2007 - gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de
Land cover, typically, is a local phenomenon, so the impact of any disturbance is likely to
strongly decrease with catchment size. The position in the landscape will modulate the scale …

What the towers don't see at night: nocturnal sap flow in trees and shrubs at two AmeriFlux sites in California

JB Fisher, DD Baldocchi, L Misson, TE Dawson… - Tree …, 2007 - academic.oup.com
At the leaf scale, it is a long-held assumption that stomata close at night in the absence of
light, causing transpiration to decrease to zero. Energy balance models and …

Monitoring and modeling water‐vegetation interactions in groundwater‐dependent ecosystems

F Orellana, P Verma, SP Loheide… - Reviews of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
In many regions around the world, groundwater is the key source of water for some
vegetation species, and its availability and dynamics can define vegetation composition and …

Putting the" vap" into evaporation

WJ Shuttleworth - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2007 - hess.copernicus.org
In the spirit of the Special Issue of HESS to which it contributes, this paper documents the
origin and development of the science of natural evaporation from land surfaces over the …

Groundwater uptake by woody vegetation in a semiarid oak savanna

GR Miller, X Chen, Y Rubin, S Ma… - Water Resources …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Groundwater can serve as an important resource for woody vegetation in semiarid
landscapes, particularly when soil water is functionally depleted and unavailable to plants …