The search for chiral asymmetry as a potential biosignature in our solar system
The search for evidence of extraterrestrial life in our Solar System is currently guided by our
understanding of terrestrial biology and its associated biosignatures. The observed …
understanding of terrestrial biology and its associated biosignatures. The observed …
Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: Direct evidence from returned samples
T Nakamura, M Matsumoto, K Amano, Y Enokido… - Science, 2022 -
Samples of the carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu were brought to Earth by the Hayabusa2
spacecraft. We analyzed 17 Ryugu samples measuring 1 to 8 millimeters. Carbon dioxide …
spacecraft. We analyzed 17 Ryugu samples measuring 1 to 8 millimeters. Carbon dioxide …
Clay minerals on Mars: An up-to-date review with future perspectives
Clay minerals, or analogously phyllosilicates, are some of the most astonishing minerals
ever discovered on Mars due to their roles as indicators of water-rock interaction. Their …
ever discovered on Mars due to their roles as indicators of water-rock interaction. Their …
Reflection, emission, and polarization properties of surfaces made of hyperfine grains, and implications for the nature of primitive small bodies
Solar System small bodies were the first objects to accrete inside the protoplanetary disk,
giving insights into its composition and structure. The P-/D-type asteroids are particularly …
giving insights into its composition and structure. The P-/D-type asteroids are particularly …
A dehydrated space-weathered skin cloaking the hydrated interior of Ryugu
Without a protective atmosphere, space-exposed surfaces of airless Solar System bodies
gradually experience an alteration in composition, structure and optical properties through a …
gradually experience an alteration in composition, structure and optical properties through a …
The unexpected surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu
Abstract NASA'S Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification and Security-
Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft recently arrived at the near-Earth asteroid …
Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft recently arrived at the near-Earth asteroid …
Pebbles and sand on asteroid (162173) Ryugu: In situ observation and particles returned to Earth
The Hayabusa2 spacecraft investigated the C-type (carbonaceous) asteroid (162173)
Ryugu. The mission performed two landing operations to collect samples of surface and …
Ryugu. The mission performed two landing operations to collect samples of surface and …
Spacecraft sample collection and subsurface excavation of asteroid (101955) Bennu
Carbonaceous asteroids, such as (101955) Bennu, preserve material from the early Solar
System, including volatile compounds and organic molecules. We report spacecraft imaging …
System, including volatile compounds and organic molecules. We report spacecraft imaging …
Properties of rubble-pile asteroid (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx imaging and thermal analysis
Establishing the abundance and physical properties of regolith and boulders on asteroids is
crucial for understanding the formation and degradation mechanisms at work on their …
crucial for understanding the formation and degradation mechanisms at work on their …
Shape of (101955) Bennu indicative of a rubble pile with internal stiffness
The shapes of asteroids reflect interplay between their interior properties and the processes
responsible for their formation and evolution as they journey through the Solar System. Prior …
responsible for their formation and evolution as they journey through the Solar System. Prior …