Spatial patterns of internal migration: evidence for ethnic groups in Britain
L Simpson, N Finney - Population, Space and Place, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Internal migration is responsible for the changing geography of Britain's ethnic group
populations. Although this changing geography is at the centre of heated debates of social …
populations. Although this changing geography is at the centre of heated debates of social …
[KNIHA][B] Breaking rules: The social and situational dynamics of young people's urban crime
Why do certain people commit acts of crime? Why does crime happen in certain places?
Presenting an ambitious new study designed to test a pioneering new theory of the causes …
Presenting an ambitious new study designed to test a pioneering new theory of the causes …
[KNIHA][B] The university and the city
J Goddard, P Vallance - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Universities are being seen as key urban institutions by researchers and policy makers
around the world. They are global players with significant local direct and indirect impacts …
around the world. They are global players with significant local direct and indirect impacts …
Thirty years of urban regeneration in Britain, Germany and France: The importance of context and path dependency
C Couch, O Sykes, W Börstinghaus - Progress in planning, 2011 - Elsevier
It is a little over 30 years since Jim Callaghan's Labour Government passed the 1978 Inner
Urban Areas Act. The following year marked a shift in power to Margaret Thatcher's …
Urban Areas Act. The following year marked a shift in power to Margaret Thatcher's …
The trajectories of European cities, 1960–2005
Cities have been viewed for several decades as the places within Europe typically facing the
greatest problems associated with economic and population decline. A contrasting view has …
greatest problems associated with economic and population decline. A contrasting view has …
[KNIHA][B] Good cities, better lives: How Europe discovered the lost art of urbanism
P Hall, N Falk - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This book has one central theme: how, in the United Kingdom, can we create better cities
and towns in which to live and work and play? What can we learn from other countries …
and towns in which to live and work and play? What can we learn from other countries …
Beyond Scholar Activism: Making Strategic Interventions Inside and Outside the Neoliberal University.
This paper is an honest, reflexive account of action research with activists. Through a two
year project called'Autonomous Geographies', a team of researchers undertook case studies …
year project called'Autonomous Geographies', a team of researchers undertook case studies …
Entrepreneurial regions: do macro-psychological cultural characteristics of regions help solve the “knowledge paradox” of economics?
In recent years, modern economies have shifted away from being based on physical capital
and towards being based on new knowledge (eg, new ideas and inventions). Consequently …
and towards being based on new knowledge (eg, new ideas and inventions). Consequently …
The distinctive city: pitfalls in the pursuit of differential advantage
I Turok - Environment and planning A, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
In the face of growing competitive pressures, cities in Britain and elsewhere have been
exploring new ways of promoting their distinctiveness in order to increase local prosperity. I …
exploring new ways of promoting their distinctiveness in order to increase local prosperity. I …
Universities as anchor institutions in cities in a turbulent funding environment: vulnerable institutions and vulnerable places in England
The paper examines universities as anchor institutions in the context of a major upheaval in
the funding of English higher education. The various components of these changes are …
the funding of English higher education. The various components of these changes are …