Spatial patterns of internal migration: evidence for ethnic groups in Britain

L Simpson, N Finney - Population, Space and Place, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Internal migration is responsible for the changing geography of Britain's ethnic group
populations. Although this changing geography is at the centre of heated debates of social …

[KNIHA][B] Breaking rules: The social and situational dynamics of young people's urban crime

POH Wikström, D Oberwittler, K Treiber, B Hardie - 2012 -
Why do certain people commit acts of crime? Why does crime happen in certain places?
Presenting an ambitious new study designed to test a pioneering new theory of the causes …

[KNIHA][B] The university and the city

J Goddard, P Vallance - 2013 -
Universities are being seen as key urban institutions by researchers and policy makers
around the world. They are global players with significant local direct and indirect impacts …

Thirty years of urban regeneration in Britain, Germany and France: The importance of context and path dependency

C Couch, O Sykes, W Börstinghaus - Progress in planning, 2011 - Elsevier
It is a little over 30 years since Jim Callaghan's Labour Government passed the 1978 Inner
Urban Areas Act. The following year marked a shift in power to Margaret Thatcher's …

The trajectories of European cities, 1960–2005

I Turok, V Mykhnenko - Cities, 2007 - Elsevier
Cities have been viewed for several decades as the places within Europe typically facing the
greatest problems associated with economic and population decline. A contrasting view has …

[KNIHA][B] Good cities, better lives: How Europe discovered the lost art of urbanism

P Hall, N Falk - 2013 -
This book has one central theme: how, in the United Kingdom, can we create better cities
and towns in which to live and work and play? What can we learn from other countries …

Beyond Scholar Activism: Making Strategic Interventions Inside and Outside the Neoliberal University.

P Chatterton, S Hodkinson… - Acme: An international e …, 2010 -
This paper is an honest, reflexive account of action research with activists. Through a two
year project called'Autonomous Geographies', a team of researchers undertook case studies …

Entrepreneurial regions: do macro-psychological cultural characteristics of regions help solve the “knowledge paradox” of economics?

M Obschonka, M Stuetzer, SD Gosling, PJ Rentfrow… - PloS one, 2015 -
In recent years, modern economies have shifted away from being based on physical capital
and towards being based on new knowledge (eg, new ideas and inventions). Consequently …

The distinctive city: pitfalls in the pursuit of differential advantage

I Turok - Environment and planning A, 2009 -
In the face of growing competitive pressures, cities in Britain and elsewhere have been
exploring new ways of promoting their distinctiveness in order to increase local prosperity. I …

Universities as anchor institutions in cities in a turbulent funding environment: vulnerable institutions and vulnerable places in England

J Goddard, M Coombes, L Kempton… - cambridge Journal of …, 2014 -
The paper examines universities as anchor institutions in the context of a major upheaval in
the funding of English higher education. The various components of these changes are …