Experimental investigation on alternative fuel combustion performance using a gas turbine combustor

L Zheng, J Cronly, E Ubogu, I Ahmed, Y Zhang… - Applied Energy, 2019 - Elsevier
In order to ensure reliable combustion performance and low emissions profiles for
prospective alternative fuels, this study was conducted in order to evaluate the impact of fuel …

Fuel Property Impact on Lean Blow Out for Sustainable Aviation Fuels in Gas Turbine Combustors

D Dasgupta, S Som - … : Power for Land, Sea, and Air, 2024 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Abstract Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) offer a solution for lowering the carbon emissions
produced by the aviation sector. However, these fuels have different properties than …

Impact of Liquid Properties on Flame Behavior for Sustainable Aviation Fuels in Gas Turbine Combustors

D Dasgupta, C Bhattacharya… - … Expo: Power for …, 2023 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Abstract Sustainable Aviation Fuels provide a means for decarbonization of the aviation
sector. The properties of these fuels can be different from that of conventional jet fuels. To …

Shape and stability characteristics of hydrogen-enriched natural-gas oxy-flames in a micromixer burner

AA Araoye, A Abdelhafez, MA Nemitallah… - Combustion Science …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This study investigated experimentally the effects of H2-enrichment on premixed oxy-
methane flames stabilized on a micromixer-like burner for clean energy production in gas …

Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Fuel Properties Impact on Lean Blowout in the ARC-M1 Combustor

D Dasgupta, S Som, E Wood… - … Expo: Power for …, 2022 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
The flow and flame dynamics within liquid fueled gas turbine combustors are complex due to
the interactions between the highly turbulent flow, spray dynamics and combustion …

[Цитат][C] Lean blowout studies

N Rock, S Stouffer, T Hendershott, J Heyne… - Fuel Effects on …, 2021 - arc.aiaa.org
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