Plant responses to rising vapor pressure deficit
Recent decades have been characterized by increasing temperatures worldwide, resulting
in an exponential climb in vapor pressure deficit (VPD). VPD has been identified as an …
in an exponential climb in vapor pressure deficit (VPD). VPD has been identified as an …
A review of global terrestrial evapotranspiration: Observation, modeling, climatology, and climatic variability
This review surveys the basic theories, observational methods, satellite algorithms, and land
surface models for terrestrial evapotranspiration, E (or λE, ie, latent heat flux), including a …
surface models for terrestrial evapotranspiration, E (or λE, ie, latent heat flux), including a …
Trees tolerate an extreme heatwave via sustained transpirational cooling and increased leaf thermal tolerance
Heatwaves are likely to increase in frequency and intensity with climate change, which may
impair tree function and forest C uptake. However, we have little information regarding the …
impair tree function and forest C uptake. However, we have little information regarding the …
Introducing BASE: the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments soil microbial diversity database
Background Microbial inhabitants of soils are important to ecosystem and planetary
functions, yet there are large gaps in our knowledge of their diversity and ecology. The …
functions, yet there are large gaps in our knowledge of their diversity and ecology. The …
Vapour pressure deficit and solar radiation are the major drivers of transpiration of balsam fir and black spruce tree species in humid boreal regions, even during a …
On vegetation-covered land surfaces, tree transpiration, compared to soil and canopy
evaporation, is a major process that sends large amounts of water back to the atmosphere …
evaporation, is a major process that sends large amounts of water back to the atmosphere …
Evolution of the stomatal regulation of plant water content
Evolution of the Stomatal Regulation of Plant Water Content | Plant Physiology | Oxford
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Physiological regulation of productivity and water use in Eucalyptus: a review
D Whitehead, CL Beadle - Forest ecology and management, 2004 - Elsevier
Eucalyptus species in Australia occur naturally across a wide range of environmental
conditions. In native forests, the leaves are typically thick, tough and long-lived with low …
conditions. In native forests, the leaves are typically thick, tough and long-lived with low …
Diagnosing evapotranspiration responses to water deficit across biomes using deep learning
Accounting for water limitation is key to determining vegetation sensitivity to drought.
Quantifying water limitation effects on evapotranspiration (ET) is challenged by the …
Quantifying water limitation effects on evapotranspiration (ET) is challenged by the …
Estimation of leaf area index in eucalypt forest using digital photography
We tested whether leaf area index (L) in eucalypt vegetation could be accurately estimated
from gap fraction measurements made using both fisheye and non-fisheye digital …
from gap fraction measurements made using both fisheye and non-fisheye digital …
Xylem and stomata, coordinated through time and space
Land plants exhibit a degree of homeostasis in leaf water content to protect against damage
to photosynthetic and xylem tissues, and to maintain an efficient allocation of resources. This …
to photosynthetic and xylem tissues, and to maintain an efficient allocation of resources. This …