Simulation-based approaches for verification of embedded control systems: An overview of traditional and advanced modeling, testing, and verification techniques
Designers of industrial embedded control systems, such as automotive, aerospace, and
medical-device control systems, use verification and testing activities to increase their …
medical-device control systems, use verification and testing activities to increase their …
[HTML][HTML] Survey on mining signal temporal logic specifications
Formal specifications play an essential role in the life-cycle of modern systems, both at the
time of their design and during their operation. Despite their importance, formal …
time of their design and during their operation. Despite their importance, formal …
Specification-based monitoring of cyber-physical systems: a survey on theory, tools and applications
Abstract The term Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) typically refers to engineered, physical
and biological systems monitored and/or controlled by an embedded computational core …
and biological systems monitored and/or controlled by an embedded computational core …
Toward verified artificial intelligence
Toward verified artificial intelligence Page 1 46 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | JULY
2022 | VOL. 65 | NO. 7 contributed articles ILL US TRA TION B Y PETER CRO W THER A …
2022 | VOL. 65 | NO. 7 contributed articles ILL US TRA TION B Y PETER CRO W THER A …
S-TaLiRo: A Tool for Temporal Logic Falsification for Hybrid Systems
Y Annpureddy, C Liu, G Fainekos… - … Conference on Tools …, 2011 - Springer
S-TaLiRo is a Matlab (TM) toolbox that searches for trajectories of minimal robustness in
Simulink/Stateflow diagrams. It can analyze arbitrary Simulink models or user defined …
Simulink/Stateflow diagrams. It can analyze arbitrary Simulink models or user defined …
Automatic generation of safety-critical test scenarios for collision avoidance of road vehicles
M Althoff, S Lutz - 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It is apparent that one cannot rely solely on physical test drives for ensuring the correct
functionality of autonomous vehicles. Since physical test drives are costly and time …
functionality of autonomous vehicles. Since physical test drives are costly and time …
Mining requirements from closed-loop control models
A significant challenge to the formal validation of software-based industrial control systems
is that system requirements are often imprecise, non-modular, evolving, or even simply …
is that system requirements are often imprecise, non-modular, evolving, or even simply …
Smooth operator: Control using the smooth robustness of temporal logic
Modern control systems, like controllers for swarms of quadrotors, must satisfy complex
control objectives while withstanding a wide range of disturbances, from bugs in their …
control objectives while withstanding a wide range of disturbances, from bugs in their …
C2E2: A verification tool for stateflow models
Mathworks' Stateflow is a predominant environment for modeling embedded and cyber-
physical systems where control software interacts with physical processes. We present …
physical systems where control software interacts with physical processes. We present …
A survey of challenges for runtime verification from advanced application domains (beyond software)
Runtime verification is an area of formal methods that studies the dynamic analysis of
execution traces against formal specifications. Typically, the two main activities in runtime …
execution traces against formal specifications. Typically, the two main activities in runtime …