Interstellar anions: the role of quantum chemistry

RC Fortenberry - The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2015 - ACS Publications
Six anions have been conclusively detected in the interstellar medium (ISM). They all arrived
within a five-year window ending five years ago. Why have no new anions been detected? It …

On the source of the dust extinction in type Ia supernovae and the discovery of anomalously strong Na I absorption

MM Phillips, JD Simon, N Morrell… - The Astrophysical …, 2013 -
High-dispersion observations of the Na i D λλ5890, 5896 and K i λλ7665, 7699 interstellar
lines, and the diffuse interstellar band at 5780 Å in the spectra of 32 Type Ia supernovae are …

Stellar labels for hot stars from low-resolution spectra-I. The HotPayne method and results for 330 000 stars from LAMOST DR6

M **ang, HW Rix, YS Ting, RP Kudritzki… - Astronomy & …, 2022 -
We set out to determine stellar labels from low-resolution survey spectra of hot stars,
specifically OBA stars with T eff≳ 7500 K. This fills a gap in the scientific analysis of large …

A Vision for the Future of Astrochemistry in the Interstellar Medium by 2050

RC Fortenberry - ACS Physical Chemistry Au, 2023 - ACS Publications
By 2050, many, but not nearly all, unattributed astronomical spectral features will be
conclusively linked to molecular carriers (as opposed to nearly none today in the visible and …

Studies of the diffuse interstellar bands. III. HD 183143

LM Hobbs, DG York, JA Thorburn… - The Astrophysical …, 2009 -
Echelle spectra of HD 183143 [B7Iae, E (B− V)= 1.27] were obtained on three nights, at a
resolving power R= 38,000 and with a signal-to-noise ratio≈ 1000 at 6400 Å in the final …

Studies of diffuse interstellar bands V. Pairwise correlations of eight strong DIBs and neutral hydrogen, molecular hydrogen, and color excess

SD Friedman, DG York, BJ McCall… - The Astrophysical …, 2010 -
We establish correlations between equivalent widths of eight diffuse interstellar bands
(DIBs), and examine their correlations with atomic hydrogen, molecular hydrogen, and EB …

Label transfer from APOGEE to LAMOST: Precise stellar parameters for 450,000 LAMOST giants

AYQ Ho, MK Ness, DW Hogg, HW Rix… - The Astrophysical …, 2017 -
In this era of large-scale spectroscopic stellar surveys, measurements of stellar attributes ("
labels," ie, parameters and abundances) must be made precise and consistent across …

The apache point observatory catalog of optical diffuse interstellar bands

H Fan, LM Hobbs, JA Dahlstrom, DE Welty… - The Astrophysical …, 2019 -
Aiming for a new and more comprehensive DIB catalog between 4000 and 9000 Å, we
revisited the Atlas Catalog based on the observations of HD 183143 and HD 204827 …

Interstellar fullerene compounds and diffuse interstellar bands

A Omont - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016 -
Recently, the presence of fullerenes in the interstellar medium (ISM) has been confirmed
and new findings suggest that these fullerenes may possibly form from polycyclic aromatic …

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the diffuse interstellar bands: a survey

F Salama, GA Galazutdinov, J Krełowski… - The Astrophysical …, 2011 -
We discuss the proposal of relating the origin of some of the diffuse interstellar absorption
bands (DIBs) to neutral polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present in translucent …