The ontogenetic niche and species interactions in size-structured populations
EE Werner, JF Gilliam - Annual review of ecology and systematics, 1984 - JSTOR
Body size is manifestly one of the most important attributes of an organism from an
ecological and evolutionary point of view. Size has a predominant influence on an animal's …
ecological and evolutionary point of view. Size has a predominant influence on an animal's …
Functional differential equations with state-dependent delays: theory and applications
Publisher Summary This chapter illustrates the recent work on equations with state
dependent delays, with emphasis on particular models and on the emerging theory from the …
dependent delays, with emphasis on particular models and on the emerging theory from the …
[KNJIGA][B] Mathematical models in population biology and epidemiology
F Brauer, C Castillo-Chavez, C Castillo-Chavez - 2012 - Springer
Up to now in our study of continuous population models we have been assuming that x (t),
the growth rate of population size at time t, depends only on x (t), the population size at the …
the growth rate of population size at time t, depends only on x (t), the population size at the …
[KNJIGA][B] Semi-discretization for time-delay systems: stability and engineering applications
T Insperger, G Stépán - 2011 - books.google.com
This book presents the recently introduced and already widely referred semi-discretization
method for the stability analysis of delayed dynamical systems. Delay differential equations …
method for the stability analysis of delayed dynamical systems. Delay differential equations …
The Effect of Temperature on Anopheles Mosquito Population Dynamics and the Potential for Malaria Transmission
LM Beck-Johnson, WA Nelson, KP Paaijmans… - PLOS …, 2013 - journals.plos.org
The parasites that cause malaria depend on Anopheles mosquitoes for transmission;
because of this, mosquito population dynamics are a key determinant of malaria risk …
because of this, mosquito population dynamics are a key determinant of malaria risk …
[KNJIGA][B] An introduction to structured population dynamics
JM Cushing - 1998 - SIAM
Interest in the dynamics of biological populations is quite old, its roots being traceable to the
dawn of civilization. Many illustrious names are associated with early mathematical theories …
dawn of civilization. Many illustrious names are associated with early mathematical theories …
[HTML][HTML] Modelling the effect of temperature on the seasonal population dynamics of temperate mosquitoes
Mosquito-borne diseases cause substantial mortality and morbidity worldwide. These
impacts are widely predicted to increase as temperatures warm and extreme precipitation …
impacts are widely predicted to increase as temperatures warm and extreme precipitation …
[KNJIGA][B] Ecological dynamics
Ecological Dynamics is unique in that it can serve both as an introductory text in numerous
ecology courses and as a resource for more advanced work. It provides a flexible …
ecology courses and as a resource for more advanced work. It provides a flexible …
Predicting phenological shifts in a changing climate
Phenological shifts constitute one of the clearest manifestations of climate warming.
Advanced emergence is widely reported in high-latitude ectotherms, but a significant …
Advanced emergence is widely reported in high-latitude ectotherms, but a significant …
[KNJIGA][B] Insect natural enemies: practical approaches to their study and evaluation
MA Jervis - 2012 - books.google.com
Over the past three decades there has been a dramatic increase in theoretical and practical
studies on insect natural enemies. The appeal of insect predators, and parasitoids in …
studies on insect natural enemies. The appeal of insect predators, and parasitoids in …