A comprehensive survey of deep learning research on medical image analysis with focus on transfer learning
This survey aims to identify commonly used methods, datasets, future trends, knowledge
gaps, constraints, and limitations in the field to provide an overview of current solutions used …
gaps, constraints, and limitations in the field to provide an overview of current solutions used …
Physics-driven synthetic data learning for biomedical magnetic resonance: The imaging physics-based data synthesis paradigm for artificial intelligence
Deep learning (DL) has driven innovation in the field of computational imaging. One of its
bottlenecks is unavailable or insufficient training data. This article reviews an emerging …
bottlenecks is unavailable or insufficient training data. This article reviews an emerging …
Synthetic data in machine learning for medicine and healthcare
Synthetic data in machine learning for medicine and healthcare | Nature Biomedical Engineering
Skip to main content Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with …
Skip to main content Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with …
[BOK][B] Synthetic data for deep learning
SI Nikolenko - 2021 - Springer
You are holding in your hands… oh, come on, who holds books like this in their hands
anymore? Anyway, you are reading this, and it means that I have managed to release one of …
anymore? Anyway, you are reading this, and it means that I have managed to release one of …
Deep adversarial training for multi-organ nuclei segmentation in histopathology images
Nuclei mymargin segmentation is a fundamental task for various computational pathology
applications including nuclei morphology analysis, cell type classification, and cancer …
applications including nuclei morphology analysis, cell type classification, and cancer …
Endo-depth-and-motion: Reconstruction and tracking in endoscopic videos using depth networks and photometric constraints
Estimating a scene reconstruction and the camera motion from in-body videos is challenging
due to several factors, eg the deformation of in-body cavities or the lack of texture. In this …
due to several factors, eg the deformation of in-body cavities or the lack of texture. In this …
Colonoscopy 3D video dataset with paired depth from 2D-3D registration
Screening colonoscopy is an important clinical application for several 3D computer vision
techniques, including depth estimation, surface reconstruction, and missing region …
techniques, including depth estimation, surface reconstruction, and missing region …
Web-based fully automated cephalometric analysis by deep learning
Abstract Background and Objective An accurate lateral cephalometric analysis is vital in
orthodontic diagnosis. Identification of anatomic landmarks on lateral cephalograms is …
orthodontic diagnosis. Identification of anatomic landmarks on lateral cephalograms is …
Cai4cai: the rise of contextual artificial intelligence in computer-assisted interventions
Data-driven computational approaches have evolved to enable extraction of information
from medical images with reliability, accuracy, and speed, which is already transforming …
from medical images with reliability, accuracy, and speed, which is already transforming …
Deep learning in biomedical optics
This article reviews deep learning applications in biomedical optics with a particular
emphasis on image formation. The review is organized by imaging domains within …
emphasis on image formation. The review is organized by imaging domains within …