Whole‐Body Multicontact Haptic Human–Humanoid Interaction Based on Leader–Follower Switching: A Robot Dance of the “Box Step”
For physical human–robot interaction (pHRI) where multi‐contacts play a key role, both
robustness to achieve robot‐intended motion and adaptability to follow human‐intended …
robustness to achieve robot‐intended motion and adaptability to follow human‐intended …
Online non-linear centroidal mpc for humanoid robot locomotion with step adjustment
This paper presents a Non-Linear Model Predictive Controller for humanoid robot
locomotion with online step adjustment capabilities. The proposed controller considers the …
locomotion with online step adjustment capabilities. The proposed controller considers the …
Adaptability control towards complex ground based on fuzzy logic for humanoid robots
Stability control for humanoid robots based on zero moment point (ZMP) control and
impedance control are widespread. However, uncertain changes in the center of mass …
impedance control are widespread. However, uncertain changes in the center of mass …
Energy-efficient hydraulic pump control for legged robots using model predictive control
Hydraulic actuating system exhibits potential for legged robots to achieve highly agile
dynamic movement because of their high power-to-weight ratio. However, the low energy …
dynamic movement because of their high power-to-weight ratio. However, the low energy …
Resistant compliance control for biped robot inspired by humanlike behavior
Compliance control is important for the realization of disturbance absorption in biped robots.
However, under a sustained disturbance, compliance control causes the robot's balance to …
However, under a sustained disturbance, compliance control causes the robot's balance to …
Variable horizon mpc with swing foot dynamics for bipedal walking control
In this letter, we present a novel two-level variable Horizon Model Predictive Control (VH-
MPC) framework for bipedal locomotion. In this framework, the higher level computes the …
MPC) framework for bipedal locomotion. In this framework, the higher level computes the …
Intelligent locomotion planning with enhanced postural stability for lower-limb exoskeletons
In this letter, an integrated control strategy is developed for both locomotion trajectory
planning and postural stability, enabling shared autonomy between the human and lower …
planning and postural stability, enabling shared autonomy between the human and lower …
Whole-body balance stability regions for multi-level momentum and step** strategies
A unified framework is established for general balance stability criteria of biped systems. The
stability regions of balanced and steppable states are partitions of the center-of-mass (COM) …
stability regions of balanced and steppable states are partitions of the center-of-mass (COM) …
Seamless reaction strategy for bipedal locomotion exploiting real-time nonlinear model predictive control
This letter presents a reactive locomotion method for bipedal robots enhancing robustness
and external disturbance rejection performance by seamlessly rendering several walking …
and external disturbance rejection performance by seamlessly rendering several walking …
Robust locomotion exploiting multiple balance strategies: An observer-based cascaded model predictive control approach
Robust locomotion is a challenging task for humanoid robots, especially when considering
dynamic disturbances. This article proposes a disturbance observer-based cascaded model …
dynamic disturbances. This article proposes a disturbance observer-based cascaded model …