Police violence and public health
Despite their enormous potential impact on population health and health inequities, police
violence and use of excessive force have only recently been addressed from a public health …
violence and use of excessive force have only recently been addressed from a public health …
Police stops to reduce crime: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Background Police‐initiated pedestrian stops have been one of the most widely used crime
prevention tactics in modern policing. Proponents have long considered police stops to be …
prevention tactics in modern policing. Proponents have long considered police stops to be …
The policing paradox: Police stops predict youth's school disengagement via elevated psychological distress.
Negative interactions with the legal system can inform adolescents' relationships with
schools. The present daily-diary study examined 13,545 daily survey assessments from 387 …
schools. The present daily-diary study examined 13,545 daily survey assessments from 387 …
Police contact and future orientation from adolescence to young adulthood: Findings from the Pathways to Desistance Study
In response to the changing nature of policing in the United States, and current climate of
police–citizen relations, research has begun to explore the consequences of adolescent …
police–citizen relations, research has begun to explore the consequences of adolescent …
[HTML][HTML] Heterogeneous effects of spatially proximate firearm homicide exposure on anxiety and depression symptoms among US youth
The burden of firearm homicide in the United States is not evenly distributed across the
population; rather, it disproportionately affects youth in disadvantaged and marginalized …
population; rather, it disproportionately affects youth in disadvantaged and marginalized …
Adolescents' views of defunding the police, abolishing the police, and “the talk”
Introduction Definitions regarding defunding or abolishing the police are highly contested in
the United States. Moreover, adolescents' definitions and how socialization processes …
the United States. Moreover, adolescents' definitions and how socialization processes …
Anticipation of racially motivated police brutality and youth mental health
Purpose Exposure to police brutality is a significant risk to adolescent mental health. This
study extends this literature by exploring connections between anticipation of racially …
study extends this literature by exploring connections between anticipation of racially …
Neighborhood Police Encounters, Health, And Violence In A Southern City: Study examines neighborhood police encounters, health, and violence in New Orleans …
The disproportionate rates of police surveillance and encounters in many communities in the
US may be contributing to inequities in health and violence. Frequent policing in …
US may be contributing to inequities in health and violence. Frequent policing in …
Cumulative police exposures, police violence stress, and depressive symptoms: a focus on black LGBQ youth in Baltimore City, Maryland
The present study investigates associations between cumulative police exposures, police
violence stress, and depressive symptoms among Black youth, and whether LGBQ (lesbian …
violence stress, and depressive symptoms among Black youth, and whether LGBQ (lesbian …
The spillover effects of classmates' police intrusion on adolescents' school-based defiant behaviors: The mediating role of institutional trust.
Peers' negative police encounters may have collateral consequences and shape
adolescents' relationship with authority figures, including those in the school context. Due to …
adolescents' relationship with authority figures, including those in the school context. Due to …