Significance?... Significance! Empirical, methodological, and theoretical connections between the late positive potential and P300 as neural responses to stimulus …
Event‐related potential studies of emotional processing have focused on the late positive
potential (LPP), a sustained positive deflection in the ERP that is increased for emotionally …
potential (LPP), a sustained positive deflection in the ERP that is increased for emotionally …
Natural selective attention: Orienting and emotion
MM Bradley - Psychophysiology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The foundations of orienting and attention are hypothesized to stem from activation of
defensive and appetitive motivational systems that evolved to protect and sustain the life of …
defensive and appetitive motivational systems that evolved to protect and sustain the life of …
Is the P300 component a manifestation of context updating?
E Donchin, MGH Coles - Behavioral and brain sciences, 1988 - cambridge.org
To understand the endogenous components of the event-related brain potential (ERP), we
must use data about the components' antecedent conditions to form hypotheses about the …
must use data about the components' antecedent conditions to form hypotheses about the …
The reinterpretation of dreams: An evolutionary hypothesis of the function of dreaming
A Revonsuo - Behavioral and brain sciences, 2000 - cambridge.org
Several theories claim that dreaming is a random by-product of REM sleep physiology and
that it does not serve any natural function. Phenomenal dream content, however, is not as …
that it does not serve any natural function. Phenomenal dream content, however, is not as …
The anatomical and functional relationship between the P3 and autonomic components of the orienting response
S Nieuwenhuis, EJ De Geus… - Psychophysiology, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Many psychophysiologists have noted the striking similarities between the antecedent
conditions for the P3 component of the event‐related potential and the orienting response …
conditions for the P3 component of the event‐related potential and the orienting response …
The truth will out: Interrogative polygraphy (“lie detection”) with event‐related brain potentials
LA Farwell, E Donchin - Psychophysiology, 1991 - Wiley Online Library
The feasibility of using Event Related Brain Potentials (ERPs) in Interrogative Polygraphy
(“Lie Detection”) was tested by examining the effectiveness of the Guilty Knowledge Test …
(“Lie Detection”) was tested by examining the effectiveness of the Guilty Knowledge Test …
P300-response: possible psychophysiological correlates in delta and theta frequency channels. A review
The present paper combines a review of event-related potentials (ERPs) with empirical data
concerning the question: what are the differences between auditory evoked potentials (EPs) …
concerning the question: what are the differences between auditory evoked potentials (EPs) …
Event-related potentials and cognition: A critique of the context updating hypothesis and an alternative interpretation of P3
R Verleger - Behavioral and brain sciences, 1988 - cambridge.org
P3 is the most prominent of the electrical potentials of the human electroencephalogram that
are sensitive to psychological variables. According to the most influential current hypothesis …
are sensitive to psychological variables. According to the most influential current hypothesis …
Memory detection with the C oncealed I nformation T est: A meta analysis of skin conductance, respiration, heart rate, and P300 data
The C oncealed I nformation T est (CIT) uses psychophysiological measures to determine
the presence or absence of crime‐related information in a suspect's memory. We conducted …
the presence or absence of crime‐related information in a suspect's memory. We conducted …
[CARTE][B] Psychophysiology: The mind-body perspective
K Hugdahl - 1995 - books.google.com
In our high-speed culture, terms like" stressed-out,"" Type-A personality,"" biofeedback," and"
relaxation response" have become commonplaces. More than ever before, we are aware of …
relaxation response" have become commonplaces. More than ever before, we are aware of …