[HTML][HTML] Reviewing and integrating aec practices into industry 6.0: Strategies for smart and sustainable future-built environments
This article explores the possible ramifications of incorporating ideas from AEC Industry 6.0
into the design and construction of intelligent, environmentally friendly, and long-lasting …
into the design and construction of intelligent, environmentally friendly, and long-lasting …
A review on enhancing energy efficiency and adaptability through system integration for smart buildings
The increasing need for reducing carbon emissions and promoting smart, energy-saving
buildings is fueling the rising trend of sophisticated control systems. This study provides …
buildings is fueling the rising trend of sophisticated control systems. This study provides …
[HTML][HTML] Key factors affecting smart building integration into smart city: Technological aspects
R Apanavičienė, MMN Shahrabani - Smart Cities, 2023 - mdpi.com
This research presents key factors influencing smart building integration into smart cities
considering the city as a technological system. This paper begins with an overview of the …
considering the city as a technological system. This paper begins with an overview of the …
Networking architectures and protocols for IoT applications in smart cities: Recent developments and perspectives
Numerous municipalities employ the smart city model in large cities to improve the quality of
life of their residents, utilize local resources efficiently, and save operating expenses. This …
life of their residents, utilize local resources efficiently, and save operating expenses. This …
[HTML][HTML] Challenges and opportunities in European smart buildings energy management: A critical review
The substantial stock of European buildings, accounting for more than 40% of energy
consumption, has prompted member states to establish a renovation standard with stringent …
consumption, has prompted member states to establish a renovation standard with stringent …
[HTML][HTML] Global models of smart cities and potential IoT applications: A review
A Hassebo, M Tealab - IoT, 2023 - mdpi.com
As the world becomes increasingly urbanized, the development of smart cities and the
deployment of IoT applications will play an essential role in addressing urban challenges …
deployment of IoT applications will play an essential role in addressing urban challenges …
[HTML][HTML] Energy modeling and model predictive control for HVAC in buildings: A review of current research trends
Buildings use up to 40% of the global primary energy and 30% of global greenhouse gas
emissions, which may significantly impact climate change. Heating, ventilation, and air …
emissions, which may significantly impact climate change. Heating, ventilation, and air …
Sasha: creative goal-oriented reasoning in smart homes with large language models
Smart home assistants function best when user commands are direct and well-specified---
eg," turn on the kitchen light"---or when a hard-coded routine specifies the response. In more …
eg," turn on the kitchen light"---or when a hard-coded routine specifies the response. In more …
Forecasting building energy demand and on-site power generation for residential buildings using long and short-term memory method with transfer learning
This study evaluates the effectiveness of the long and short-term (LSTM) implementation
with a particular emphasis on assessing the impact of transfer learning techniques in …
with a particular emphasis on assessing the impact of transfer learning techniques in …
Implementation of a long short-term memory transfer learning (LSTM-TL)-based data-driven model for building energy demand forecasting
Building energy consumption accounts for about 40% of global primary energy use and 30%
of worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Among the energy-related factors present …
of worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Among the energy-related factors present …