[HTML][HTML] Animal models in psychiatric research: The RDoC system as a new framework for endophenotype-oriented translational neuroscience
E Anderzhanova, T Kirmeier, CT Wotjak - Neurobiology of stress, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract The recently proposed Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) system defines
psychopathologies as phenomena of multilevel neurobiological existence and assigns them …
psychopathologies as phenomena of multilevel neurobiological existence and assigns them …
Computational models of basal-ganglia pathway functions: focus on functional neuroanatomy
H Schroll, FH Hamker - Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 2013 - frontiersin.org
Over the past 15 years, computational models have had a considerable impact on basal-
ganglia research. Most of these models implement multiple distinct basal-ganglia pathways …
ganglia research. Most of these models implement multiple distinct basal-ganglia pathways …
The mixed instrumental controller: using value of information to combine habitual choice and mental simulation
Instrumental behavior depends on both goal-directed and habitual mechanisms of choice.
Normative views cast these mechanisms in terms of model-free and model-based methods …
Normative views cast these mechanisms in terms of model-free and model-based methods …
Real-time neuromorphic system for large-scale conductance-based spiking neural networks
S Yang, J Wang, B Deng, C Liu, H Li… - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The investigation of the human intelligence, cognitive systems and functional complexity of
human brain is significantly facilitated by high-performance computational platforms. In this …
human brain is significantly facilitated by high-performance computational platforms. In this …
Brain activity in mindfulness depends on experience: a meta-analysis of fMRI studies
G Falcone, M Jerram - Mindfulness, 2018 - Springer
Mindfulness and mindful meditation have become widely used approaches in clinical
psychology. The growing use of these techniques has increased demand in research …
psychology. The growing use of these techniques has increased demand in research …
Adult Ube3a gene reinstatement restores the electrophysiological deficits of prefrontal cortex layer 5 neurons in a mouse model of Angelman syndrome
DC Rotaru, GM van Woerden, I Wallaard… - Journal of …, 2018 - jneurosci.org
E3 ubiquitin ligase (UBE3A) levels in the brain need to be tightly regulated, as loss of
functional UBE3A protein is responsible for the severe neurodevelopmental disorder …
functional UBE3A protein is responsible for the severe neurodevelopmental disorder …
Exploring the cognitive and motor functions of the basal ganglia: an integrative review of computational cognitive neuroscience models
Many computational models of the basal ganglia (BG) have been proposed over the past
twenty-five years. While computational neuroscience models have focused on closely …
twenty-five years. While computational neuroscience models have focused on closely …
A spiking Basal Ganglia model of synchrony, exploration and decision making
To make an optimal decision we need to weigh all the available options, compare them with
the current goal, and choose the most rewarding one. Depending on the situation an optimal …
the current goal, and choose the most rewarding one. Depending on the situation an optimal …
Basal ganglia network dynamics and function: role of direct, indirect and hyper-direct pathways in action selection
J Song, H Lin, S Liu - Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Basal ganglia (BG) are a widely recognized neural basis for action selection, but its decision-
making mechanism is still a difficult problem for researchers. Therefore, we constructed a …
making mechanism is still a difficult problem for researchers. Therefore, we constructed a …
Functionally separated networks for self-paced and externally-cued motor execution in Parkinson's disease: Evidence from deep brain recordings in humans
Spatially segregated cortico-basal ganglia networks have been proposed for the control of
goal-directed and habitual behavior. In Parkinson's disease, selective loss of dopaminergic …
goal-directed and habitual behavior. In Parkinson's disease, selective loss of dopaminergic …