Biochar for agronomy, animal farming, anaerobic digestion, composting, water treatment, soil remediation, construction, energy storage, and carbon sequestration: a …
In the context of climate change and the circular economy, biochar has recently found many
applications in various sectors as a versatile and recycled material. Here, we review …
applications in various sectors as a versatile and recycled material. Here, we review …
[HTML][HTML] Groundwater level prediction using machine learning models: A comprehensive review
Develo** accurate soft computing methods for groundwater level (GWL) forecasting is
essential for enhancing the planning and management of water resources. Over the past two …
essential for enhancing the planning and management of water resources. Over the past two …
[HTML][HTML] Applications of machine learning to water resources management: A review of present status and future opportunities
Water is the most valuable natural resource on earth that plays a critical role in the socio-
economic development of humans worldwide. Water is used for various purposes, including …
economic development of humans worldwide. Water is used for various purposes, including …
Data to intelligence: The role of data-driven models in wastewater treatment
Increasing energy efficiency in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is becoming more
important. An emerging approach to addressing this issue is to exploit development in data …
important. An emerging approach to addressing this issue is to exploit development in data …
[HTML][HTML] Smart water resource management using Artificial Intelligence—A review
Water management is one of the crucial topics discussed in most of the international forums.
Water harvesting and recycling are the major requirements to meet the global upcoming …
Water harvesting and recycling are the major requirements to meet the global upcoming …
Artificial intelligence and machine learning-based monitoring and design of biological wastewater treatment systems
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are currently used in several areas. The
applications of AI and ML based models are also reported for monitoring and design of …
applications of AI and ML based models are also reported for monitoring and design of …
Hybridized artificial intelligence models with nature-inspired algorithms for river flow modeling: A comprehensive review, assessment, and possible future research …
River flow (Q flow) is a hydrological process that considerably impacts the management and
sustainability of water resources. The literature has shown great potential for nature-inspired …
sustainability of water resources. The literature has shown great potential for nature-inspired …
Applications of artificial intelligence in water treatment for optimization and automation of adsorption processes: Recent advances and prospects
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool to resolve real-world problems and
has gained tremendous attention due to its applications in various fields. In recent years, AI …
has gained tremendous attention due to its applications in various fields. In recent years, AI …
Artificial intelligence and IoT driven technologies for environmental pollution monitoring and management
Detecting hazardous substances in the environment is crucial for protecting human
wellbeing and ecosystems. As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence (AI) …
wellbeing and ecosystems. As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence (AI) …
Prediction of groundwater quality using efficient machine learning technique
To ensure safe drinking water sources in the future, it is imperative to understand the quality
and pollution level of existing groundwater. The prediction of water quality with high …
and pollution level of existing groundwater. The prediction of water quality with high …