Bad jobs, bad health? How work and working conditions contribute to health disparities

SA Burgard, KY Lin - American Behavioral Scientist, 2013 -
In this review, we touch on a broad array of ways that work is linked to health and health
disparities for individuals and societies. First focusing on the health of individuals, we …

The professional, the personal, and the ideal worker: Pressures and objectives sha** the boundary between life domains

TL Dumas, J Sanchez-Burks - The Academy of Management …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Both scholarly literature and popular accounts suggest that modern organizational practices
have moved toward encouraging employees to “integrate” or blur the boundary between …

Remote working and digital transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Economic–financial impacts and psychological drivers for employees

E Battisti, S Alfiero, E Leonidou - Journal of Business Research, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Digital and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and,
consequently, remote working have increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic …

Work flexibility and work-related well-being

TK Ray, R Pana-Cryan - … journal of environmental research and public …, 2021 -
Work organization practices, including work flexibility, are changing and can affect worker
well-being. Common work flexibility types include working at home, taking time off when …

[КНИГА][B] The flexibility paradox: Why flexible working leads to (self-) exploitation

H Chung - 2022 -
Does flexible working really provide a better work-life balance? Throughout the COVID-19
pandemic, flexible working has become the norm for many workers. This volume offers an …

Smart working: work flexibility without constraints

M Angelici, P Profeta - Management Science, 2024 -
Does removing constraints on the time and place of work benefit the utility of workers and
firms? We design a randomized experiment of a sample of workers in a large Italian …

Work-life conflict during the COVID-19 pandemic

S Schieman, PJ Badawy, M A. Milkie, A Bierman - Socius, 2021 -
The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic upended work, family, and social life. These
massive changes may have created shifts in exposure to work-life conflict. Using a national …

Consequences of routine work-schedule instability for worker health and well-being

D Schneider, K Harknett - American sociological review, 2019 -
Research on precarious work and its consequences overwhelmingly focuses on the
economic dimension of precarity, epitomized by low wages. But the rise in precarious work …

Ongoing remote work, returning to working at work, or in between during COVID-19: what promotes subjective well-being?

W Fan, P Moen - Journal of health and social behavior, 2023 -
The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated a massive turn to remote work, followed by
subsequent shifts for many into hybrid or fully returning to the office. To understand the …

Working from home and worker well-being: New evidence from Germany

D Yang, EL Kelly, LD Kubzansky, L Berkman - Ilr Review, 2023 -
The COVID-19 pandemic piqued interest in remote work, but research yields mixed findings
on the impact of working from home on workers' well-being and job attitudes. The authors …