Deep learning-based software engineering: progress, challenges, and opportunities

X Chen, X Hu, Y Huang, H Jiang, W Ji, Y Jiang… - Science China …, 2025 - Springer
Researchers have recently achieved significant advances in deep learning techniques,
which in turn has substantially advanced other research disciplines, such as natural …

[PDF][PDF] An Overview of Lambda-PROLOG.

G Nadathur, D Miller - 1988 - Citeseer
XProlog is a logic programming language that extends Prolog by incorporating notions of
higher-order functions, A-terms, higher-order unification, polymorphic types, and …

A framework for defining logics

R Harper, F Honsell, G Plotkin - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1993 -
The Edinburgh Logical Framework (LF) provides a means to define (or present) logics. It is
based on a general treatment of syntax, rules, and proofs by means of a typed λ-calculus …

[KNJIGA][B] Programming in Martin-Löf's type theory

B Nordström, K Petersson, JM Smith - 1990 -
It is now 10 years ago that two of us took the train to Stockholm to meet Per Martin-Löf and
discuss his ideas on the connection between type theory and computing science. This book …

Higher-order abstract syntax

F Pfenning, C Elliott - ACM sigplan notices, 1988 -
We describe motivation, design, use, and implementation of higher-order abstract syntax as
a central representation for programs, formulas, rules, and other syntactic objects in program …

Uniform proofs as a foundation for logic programming

D Miller, G Nadathur, F Pfenning, A Scedrov - Annals of Pure and Applied …, 1991 - Elsevier
Abstract Miller, D., G. Nadathur, F. Pfenning and A. Scedrov, Uniform proofs as a foundation
for logic programming, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 51 (1991) 125–157. A proof …

A logic programming language with lambda-abstraction, function variables, and simple unification

D Miller - Journal of logic and computation, 1991 -
It has been argued elsewhere that a logic programming language with function variables
and λ-abstractions within terms makes a good meta-programming language, especially …

The foundation of a generic theorem prover

LC Paulson - Journal of Automated Reasoning, 1989 - Springer
Abstract Isabelle [28, 30] is an interactive theorem prover that supports a variety of logics. It
represents rules as propositions (not as functions) and builds proofs by combining rules …

[PDF][PDF] Isabelle: The next 700 theorem provers

LC Paulson - Logic and computer science, 1990 - Citeseer
Isabelle is a generic theorem prover, designed for interactive reasoning in a variety of formal
theories. At present it provides useful proof procedures for Constructive Type Theory (Per …

The isabelle framework

M Wenzel, LC Paulson, T Nipkow - … on Theorem Proving in Higher Order …, 2008 - Springer
Isabelle, which is available from http://isabelle. in. tum. de, is a generic framework for
interactive theorem proving. The Isabelle/Pure meta-logic allows the formalization of the …