Landslide hydrology: from hydrology to pore pressure

TA Bogaard, R Greco - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Rainfall‐triggered landslides are among the most widespread hazards in the world. The
hydrology in and around a landslide area is key to pore pressure buildup in the soil skeleton …

Using multiple logistic regression and GIS technology to predict landslide hazard in northeast Kansas, USA

GC Ohlmacher, JC Davis - Engineering geology, 2003 - Elsevier
Landslides in the hilly terrain along the Kansas and Missouri rivers in northeastern Kansas
have caused millions of dollars in property damage during the last decade. To address this …

A view on some hydrological triggering systems in landslides

TWJ Van Asch, J Buma, LPH Van Beek - Geomorphology, 1999 - Elsevier
In this paper different types of hydrological triggering systems for debris flows, shallow and
deeper landslides are described. The generation of surface run-off and high peak …

Plan curvature and landslide probability in regions dominated by earth flows and earth slides

GC Ohlmacher - Engineering Geology, 2007 - Elsevier
Damaging landslides in the Appalachian Plateau and scattered regions within the
Midcontinent of North America highlight the need for landslide-hazard map** and a better …

[PDF][PDF] Heyelan duyarlılık haritalarının hazırlanmasında kullanılan parametrelere ilişkin belirsizlikler

C Gökçeoğlu, M Ercanoğlu - Yerbilimleri, 2001 -
Son yirmi yœlda, coÕrafi bilgi sistemlerindeki ve sayœsal haritalarœn hazœrlanmasœna ili—
kin yöntemlerdeki geli—melere ve bunlarœn heyelan zararlarœnœn azaltœlmasœ çalœ …

Application of linear indexing model and GIS techniques for the slope movement susceptibility modeling in Bousselam upstream basin, Northeast Algeria

R Hadji, A Chouabi, L Gadri, K Raïs, Y Hamed… - Arabian Journal of …, 2016 - Springer
The main objective of this study was to assess spatial prediction of slopes movement
susceptibility in the Bousselam upstream basin, northeast of Algeria, using a linear indexing …

A rational probabilistic method for spatially distributed landslide hazard assessment

WC Haneberg - Environmental & Engineering …, 2004 -
Abstract First-order, second-moment (FOSM) approximations of limit equilibrium slope
stability equations can be combined with digital elevation models to perform spatially …

Slope instability caused by small variations in hydraulic conductivity

ME Reid - Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental …, 1997 -
Variations in hydraulic conductivity can greatly modify hillslope ground-water flow fields,
effective-stress fields, and slope stability. In materials with uniform texture, hydraulic …

[PDF][PDF] An overview of some empirical correlations between rainfall and shallow landslides and their applications in Malaysia

F Ali - 2011 -
Malaysia is located in a tropical region, known to have an extremely high annual rainfall
which frequently triggered a landslide. If a landslide early warning system to be developed …

Measuring ground surface elevation changes in a slow-moving colluvial landslide using combinations of regional airborne lidar, UAV lidar and UAV photogrammetric …

SE Johnson, WC Haneberg, LS Bryson… - Quarterly Journal of …, 2023 -
Slow-moving, chronically destructive landslides are projected to grow in number globally in
response to precipitation increases from climate change, and land disturbances from …