Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri): a review
SM Ward, TM Webster, LE Steckel - Weed Technology, 2013 - cambridge.org
In little over 20 yr, Palmer amaranth has risen from relative obscurity to its current status as
one of the most widespread, troublesome, and economically damaging agronomic weeds in …
one of the most widespread, troublesome, and economically damaging agronomic weeds in …
Are herbicides a once in a century method of weed control?
The efficacy of any pesticide is an exhaustible resource that can be depleted over time. For
decades, the dominant paradigm–that weed mobility is low relative to insect pests and …
decades, the dominant paradigm–that weed mobility is low relative to insect pests and …
Resistance to PPO‐inhibiting herbicide in Palmer amaranth from Arkansas
BACKGROUND The widespread occurrence of ALS inhibitor‐and glyphosate‐resistant
Amaranthus palmeri has led to increasing use of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) …
Amaranthus palmeri has led to increasing use of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) …
Predominance of Metabolic Resistance in a Six-Way-Resistant Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Population
Evolution of multiple herbicide resistance in Palmer amaranth across the United States is a
serious challenge for its management. Recently, a Palmer amaranth population (KCTR; …
serious challenge for its management. Recently, a Palmer amaranth population (KCTR; …
In-field movement of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and its impact on cotton lint yield: evidence supporting a zero-threshold strategy
This research was aimed at understanding how far and how fast glyphosate-resistant (GR)
Palmer amaranth will spread in cotton and the consequences associated with allowing a …
Palmer amaranth will spread in cotton and the consequences associated with allowing a …
A review of the biology, distribution patterns and management of the invasive species Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson (Palmer amaranth): Current and future …
J Roberts, S Florentine - Weed Research, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson (Palmer amaranth) is an invasive agricultural weed
that has quickly risen from a state of relative obscurity to now being globally regarded as one …
that has quickly risen from a state of relative obscurity to now being globally regarded as one …
Tall waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) and Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) seed production and retention at soybean maturity
Two of the most problematic Amaranthus species in soybean production today are tall
waterhemp and Palmer amaranth. This study determined the percentage of tall waterhemp …
waterhemp and Palmer amaranth. This study determined the percentage of tall waterhemp …
Recurrent sublethal-dose selection for reduced susceptibility of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) to dicamba
The management of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth has been a challenge in
southern United States crop** systems. Registration of dicamba-resistant crops will …
southern United States crop** systems. Registration of dicamba-resistant crops will …
Metabolic resistance to protoporphyrinogen oxidase-inhibitor herbicides in a Palmer amaranth population from Kansas
Palmer amaranth has evolved target and nontarget site resistance to protoporphyrinogen
oxidase-inhibitor herbicides in the United States. Recently, a population (KCTR) from a long …
oxidase-inhibitor herbicides in the United States. Recently, a population (KCTR) from a long …
Pollen-mediated gene flow from glyphosate-resistant common waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis Sauer): consequences for the dispersal of resistance genes
Gene flow is an important component in evolutionary biology; however, the role of gene flow
in dispersal of herbicide-resistant alleles among weed populations is poorly understood …
in dispersal of herbicide-resistant alleles among weed populations is poorly understood …