Compression-after-impact response of woven fiber-reinforced composites

H Yan, C Oskay, A Krishnan, LR Xu - Composites Science and technology, 2010 - Elsevier
This manuscript investigates compression-after-impact failure in woven fiber-reinforced
composites. Compression failure of composite structures previously damaged by an impact …

A nonlocality-based homogenization method for dynamics of metamaterials

C Mei, L Li, X Li, H Tang, X Han, X Wang, Y Hu - Composite Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
A nonlocality-based homogenization method and a corresponding framework for calibration
of its nonlocal parameters are proposed for periodic metamaterials. The calibration of …

Compression after impact characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced aluminum laminates

GS Dhaliwal, GM Newaz - Composite Structures, 2017 - Elsevier
The influence of layer structure and resin rich (polyester veil cloth) layers which were used
for enhancement of interfacial bond adhesion on the compression after impact response of …

Computationally efficient multiscale modeling for probabilistic analysis of CFRP composites with micro-scale spatial randomness

R Bhattacharyya, S Mahadevan, PK Basu - Composite Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
The physics of spatial material randomness in CFRP composites is incorporated in a
concurrent multiscale modeling framework. A sampling based non-intrusive approach is …

Multiscale modeling of failure in composites under model parameter uncertainty

MJ Bogdanor, C Oskay, SB Clay - Computational mechanics, 2015 - Springer
This manuscript presents a multiscale stochastic failure modeling approach for fiber
reinforced composites. A homogenization based reduced-order multiscale computational …

[HTML][HTML] Experimental and computational investigation of progressive damage accumulation in CFRP composites

RD Crouch, SB Clay, C Oskay - Composites Part B: Engineering, 2013 - Elsevier
This manuscript presents an experimental and computational study of progressive damage
accumulation in carbon fiber reinforced polymers. A series of monotonic tension …

Eigenstrain based reduced order homogenization for polycrystalline materials

X Zhang, C Oskay - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and …, 2015 - Elsevier
In this manuscript, an eigenstrain based reduced order homogenization method is
developed for polycrystalline materials. A two-scale asymptotic analysis is used to …

Parametrically homogenized continuum damage mechanics (PHCDM) models for unidirectional composites with nonuniform microstructural distributions

X Zhang, DJ O'Brien, S Ghosh - Journal of Computational Physics, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper develops a parametrically homogenized continuum damage mechanics
(PHCDM) model for multiscale analysis of damage and failure in composite structures with …

Discrete eigenseparation-based reduced order homogenization method for failure modeling of composite materials

C Oskay, Z Su, B Kapusuzoglu - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics …, 2020 - Elsevier
This manuscript presents a new reduced order computational homogenization method for
failure analysis of composite materials. The proposed approach relies on the discrete …

Prediction of progressive damage and strength of IM7/977-3 composites using the Eigendeformation-based homogenization approach: Static loading

MJ Bogdanor, C Oskay - Journal of Composite Materials, 2017 -
This paper presents the results from the authors' participation in the Air Force Research
Laboratory's Damage Tolerance Design Principles Program. The Eigendeformation-based …