Recent developments in local wave decomposition methods for understanding seismic data: Application to seismic interpretation
This article provides a general overview of local wave decomposition (LWD) methods
including empirical mode decomposition (EMD), ensemble EMD, complete ensemble EMD …
including empirical mode decomposition (EMD), ensemble EMD, complete ensemble EMD …
Application of the local maximum synchrosqueezing transform for seismic data
Seismic signal analysis is the main step in data processing through the petroleum
exploration via costly seismic investigations. Precision of target delineation by seismic data …
exploration via costly seismic investigations. Precision of target delineation by seismic data …
Application of second order multi-synchrosqueezing transform for seismic data analysis
SY Chen, YJ Xue, L Huang - Digital Signal Processing, 2024 - Elsevier
Time-frequency methods, which allow us to observe the seismic signal in time and
frequency domains simultaneously, can efficiently discern the seismic response features of …
frequency domains simultaneously, can efficiently discern the seismic response features of …
Automatic noise attenuation based on clustering and empirical wavelet transform
W Chen, H Song - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2018 - Elsevier
Strong noise in seismic data seriously affects many steps in seismic data processing and
imaging. While most traditional methods depend on carefully tuned input parameters by …
imaging. While most traditional methods depend on carefully tuned input parameters by …
Exploring time-varying characteristics in drive-by bridge frequency extraction with the second-order synchrosqueezing transform
Recently, due to low cost and convenience, the concept of estimating the bridge's first
natural frequency through indirect measurements of a passing vehicle has gained …
natural frequency through indirect measurements of a passing vehicle has gained …
Seismic Signal Denoising Using Variational Mode Decomposition
W Liu, Z Duan - IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Ground roll is a common coherent noise in land seismic acquisition, which is usually
characterized by high amplitudes, low frequencies, and low propagation velocities …
characterized by high amplitudes, low frequencies, and low propagation velocities …
Seismic time-frequency analysis via time-varying filtering based empirical mode decomposition method
We proposed a seismic time-frequency analysis method using time-varying filtering based
empirical mode decomposition (TVF-EMD). TVF-EMD is a recently-developed signal …
empirical mode decomposition (TVF-EMD). TVF-EMD is a recently-developed signal …
DeepCEDNet: an efficient deep convolutional encoder-decoder networks for ECG signal enhancement
P Bing, W Liu, Z Zhang - IEEE Access, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal can be thought of as an effective indicator for detection of
various arrhythmias. However, the acquired ECG data is always corrupted by amounts of …
various arrhythmias. However, the acquired ECG data is always corrupted by amounts of …
Signal denoising based on wavelet threshold denoising and optimized variational mode decomposition
H Hu, Y Ao, H Yan, Y Bai, N Shi - Journal of Sensors, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
To eliminate the noise from the signals received by MEMS vector hydrophone, a joint
algorithm is proposed in this paper based on wavelet threshold (WT) denoising, variational …
algorithm is proposed in this paper based on wavelet threshold (WT) denoising, variational …
Detecting shallow gas reservoir in the f3 block, The Netherlands, using offshore seismic data and high-resolution multi-synchrosqueezing transform
The presence of natural gas reserves is correlated frequently with the observation of a
shadow with low frequency. The phenomenon known as" low-frequency shadow" describes …
shadow with low frequency. The phenomenon known as" low-frequency shadow" describes …