Understanding human object vision: a picture is worth a thousand representations

S Bracci, HP Op de Beeck - Annual review of psychology, 2023 - annualreviews.org
Objects are the core meaningful elements in our visual environment. Classic theories of
object vision focus upon object recognition and are elegant and simple. Some of their …

Does the brain's ventral visual pathway compute object shape?

V Ayzenberg, M Behrmann - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2022 - cell.com
A rich behavioral literature has shown that human object recognition is supported by a
representation of shape that is tolerant to variations in an object's appearance …

[BOK][B] Unflattening

N Sousanis - 2015 - books.google.com
The primacy of words over images has deep roots in Western culture. But what if the two are
inextricably linked, equal partners in meaning-making? Written and drawn entirely as …

Taking stock of value in the orbitofrontal cortex

EB Knudsen, JD Wallis - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2022 - nature.com
People with damage to the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) have specific problems making
decisions, whereas their other cognitive functions are spared. Neurophysiological studies …

Survey of image edge detection

R Sun, T Lei, Q Chen, Z Wang, X Du, W Zhao… - Frontiers in Signal …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Edge detection technology aims to identify and extract the boundary information of image
pixel mutation, which is a research hotspot in the field of computer vision. This technology …

The functional architecture of the ventral temporal cortex and its role in categorization

K Grill-Spector, KS Weiner - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2014 - nature.com
Visual categorization is thought to occur in the human ventral temporal cortex (VTC), but
how this categorization is achieved is still largely unknown. In this Review, we consider the …

A generative vision model that trains with high data efficiency and breaks text-based CAPTCHAs

D George, W Lehrach, K Kansky, M Lázaro-Gredilla… - Science, 2017 - science.org
INTRODUCTION Compositionality, generalization, and learning from a few examples are
among the hallmarks of human intelligence. CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public …

Selective activation of the deep layers of the human primary visual cortex by top-down feedback

P Kok, LJ Bains, T Van Mourik, DG Norris, FP de Lange - Current Biology, 2016 - cell.com
In addition to bottom-up input, the visual cortex receives large amounts of feedback from
other cortical areas [1–3]. One compelling example of feedback activation of early visual …

Saliency detection: A boolean map approach

J Zhang, S Sclaroff - … of the IEEE international conference on …, 2013 - cv-foundation.org
A novel Boolean Map based Saliency (BMS) model is proposed. An image is characterized
by a set of binary images, which are generated by randomly thresholding the image's color …

[BOK][B] The visual brain in action

D Milner, M Goodale - 2006 - books.google.com
First published in 1995, The Visual Brain in Action remains a seminal publication in the
cognitive sciences. It presents a model for understanding the visual processing underlying …