Cardiovascular Statistics–Brazil 2021
• The classification of diabetes is based on its etiology. The most prevalent types are type 2
and type 1 diabetes, representing 90-95% and 5-10% of the cases, respectively. Type 2 …
and type 1 diabetes, representing 90-95% and 5-10% of the cases, respectively. Type 2 …
Cardiovascular statistics–brazil 2020
Brazil is a continental country of extreme diversity regarding climate and environmental
conditions, population density, economic development, and racial and cultural features. One …
conditions, population density, economic development, and racial and cultural features. One …
Brazilian Society of cardiology guidelines on unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction without ST-segment elevation–2021
SciELO - Brasil - Diretrizes da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia sobre Angina Instável e
Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio sem Supradesnível do Segmento ST – 2021 Diretrizes da …
Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio sem Supradesnível do Segmento ST – 2021 Diretrizes da …
Estatística Cardiovascular–Brasil 2020
O Brasil é um país continental de extrema diversidade quanto a clima e condições
ambientais, densidade populacional, desenvolvimento econômico e características raciais e …
ambientais, densidade populacional, desenvolvimento econômico e características raciais e …
Estatística Cardiovascular–Brasil 2021
• Diabetes melito é uma doença crônica e progressiva, caracterizada por alterações
metabólicas decorrentes de hiperglicemia persistente resultante de defeitos na secreção …
metabólicas decorrentes de hiperglicemia persistente resultante de defeitos na secreção …
A global overview of acute coronary syndrome registries: a systematic review
The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying, and summarizing the
characteristics of ACS registries at national, multinational and international levels. Literature …
characteristics of ACS registries at national, multinational and international levels. Literature …
[HTML][HTML] Trends in mortality rate from cardiovascular disease in Brazil, 1980-2012
AP Mansur, D Favarato - Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2016 - SciELO Brasil
Background: Studies have questioned the downward trend in mortality from cardiovascular
diseases (CVD) in Brazil in recent years. Objective: to analyze recent trends in mortality from …
diseases (CVD) in Brazil in recent years. Objective: to analyze recent trends in mortality from …
[HTML][HTML] One-year mortality after an acute coronary event and its clinical predictors: the ERICO study
Background: Information about post-acute coronary syndrome (ACS) survival have been
mostly short-term findings or based on specialized, cardiology referral centers. Objectives …
mostly short-term findings or based on specialized, cardiology referral centers. Objectives …
Acute coronary syndrome behavior: results of a Brazilian registry
Background: Brazil lacks published multicenter registries of acute coronary syndrome.
Objective: The Brazilian Registry of Acute Coronary Syndrome is a multicenter national …
Objective: The Brazilian Registry of Acute Coronary Syndrome is a multicenter national …
[HTML][HTML] Tendências da taxa de mortalidade por doenças cardiovasculares no Brasil, 1980-2012
AP Mansur, D Favarato - Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2016 - SciELO Brasil
Background: Studies have questioned the downward trend in mortality from cardiovascular
diseases (CVD) in Brazil in recent years. Objective: to analyze recent trends in mortality from …
diseases (CVD) in Brazil in recent years. Objective: to analyze recent trends in mortality from …