Human handedness: A meta-analysis.
Across time and place, right hand preference has been the norm, but what is the precise
prevalence of left-and right-handedness? Frequency of left-handedness has shaped and …
prevalence of left-and right-handedness? Frequency of left-handedness has shaped and …
[HTML][HTML] Brain lateralization: a comparative perspective
O Güntürkün, F Ströckens… - Physiological …, 2020 - journals.physiology.org
Comparative studies on brain asymmetry date back to the 19th century but then largely
disappeared due to the assumption that lateralization is uniquely human. Since the …
disappeared due to the assumption that lateralization is uniquely human. Since the …
Left brain, right brain: facts and fantasies
MC Corballis - PLoS biology, 2014 - journals.plos.org
Handedness and brain asymmetry are widely regarded as unique to humans, and
associated with complementary functions such as a left-brain specialization for language …
associated with complementary functions such as a left-brain specialization for language …
Cerebral asymmetry and language development: cause, correlate, or consequence?
DVM Bishop - Science, 2013 - science.org
Background Most children learn language effortlessly, but a minority struggle to master their
native tongue for no obvious reason. This is known as specific language impairment …
native tongue for no obvious reason. This is known as specific language impairment …
Ontogenesis of lateralization
The brains of humans and other animals are asymmetrically organized, but we still know
little about the ontogenetic and neural fundaments of lateralizations. Here, we review the …
little about the ontogenetic and neural fundaments of lateralizations. Here, we review the …
Clinical implications of brain asymmetries
No two human brains are alike, and with the rise of precision medicine in neurology, we are
seeing an increased emphasis on understanding the individual variability in brain structure …
seeing an increased emphasis on understanding the individual variability in brain structure …
On the other hand: including left-handers in cognitive neuroscience and neurogenetics
Left-handers are often excluded from study cohorts in neuroscience and neurogenetics in
order to reduce variance in the data. However, recent investigations have shown that the …
order to reduce variance in the data. However, recent investigations have shown that the …
A large-scale population study of early life factors influencing left-handedness
Hand preference is a conspicuous variation in human behaviour, with a worldwide
proportion of around 90% of people preferring to use the right hand for many tasks, and 10 …
proportion of around 90% of people preferring to use the right hand for many tasks, and 10 …
The Flinders Handedness survey (FLANDERS): a brief measure of skilled hand preference
Knowing whether an individual prefers the left or right hand for skilled activities is important
to researchers in experimental psychology and neuroscience. The current study reports on a …
to researchers in experimental psychology and neuroscience. The current study reports on a …
Revisiting human hemispheric specialization with neuroimaging
Hemispheric specialization (HS) is a hemisphere-dependent relationship between a
cognitive, sensory, or motor function and a set of brain structures. It includes both the hosting …
cognitive, sensory, or motor function and a set of brain structures. It includes both the hosting …