State of charge estimation of lithium batteries: Review for equivalent circuit model methods
Lithium batteries play a crucial role in powering modern technology due to their high energy
density, long life span, low self-discharge rate, making them indispensable for numerous …
density, long life span, low self-discharge rate, making them indispensable for numerous …
A review on battery thermal management strategies in lithium-ion and post-lithium batteries for electric vehicles
Electrification on transportation and electricity generation via renewable sources play a vital
role to diminish the effects of energy usage on the environment. Transition from the conven …
role to diminish the effects of energy usage on the environment. Transition from the conven …
[HTML][HTML] Dynamic open innovation to determine technology-based interoperability requirement for electric motorcycle swappable battery
Electric motorcycle swappable batteries (EMSB) require interoperability standards so that
swappable batteries (SB) can be exchanged and operated between brands to minimize …
swappable batteries (SB) can be exchanged and operated between brands to minimize …
Health Monitoring of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Dual Filters
Accurate estimation of a battery's capacity is critical for determining its state of health (SOH)
and retirement, as well as to ensure its reliable operation. In this paper, a dual filter …
and retirement, as well as to ensure its reliable operation. In this paper, a dual filter …
Heat Management on LiFePo4 Battery Pack for Eddy Current Brake Energy Storage on Rapid Braking Processes
Electric vehicles are better for the environment. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery cells can be used
as energy storage. Some uses of the battery are not only used as a power supply for electric …
as energy storage. Some uses of the battery are not only used as a power supply for electric …
Dual battery control system of lead acid and lithium ferro phosphate with switching technique
The increase in electric vehicles needs to be supported by the existence of reliable energy
storage devices. The battery, as an energy storage system, has its advantages and …
storage devices. The battery, as an energy storage system, has its advantages and …
[HTML][HTML] Design and testing of a multimode capable passive battery management system
A customized passive battery management system (BMS), which offers a selection of
different operating configurations regarding the connection of external sources and loads …
different operating configurations regarding the connection of external sources and loads …
Development of hybrid pv wind system for evs with battery management system
B Tejesh, BSG Charan… - 2022 Second International …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Reduced global oil and gas resources, as well as environmental concerns, have prompted
the automotive industry to produce more fuel-efficient and cleaner vehicles in order to save …
the automotive industry to produce more fuel-efficient and cleaner vehicles in order to save …
[PDF][PDF] Lesson learned in develo** and implementing global business strategy to commercialize battery swap technology: A comparative study
This paper provides a study on develo** and implementing global business strategy for
commercializing battery swap technology, based on comparative study between two …
commercializing battery swap technology, based on comparative study between two …
Swappable battery data management system
Battery swap** is a popular alternative to the conventional battery charging, which
involves removing a drained EV battery and replacing it with a fully charged one. EV users …
involves removing a drained EV battery and replacing it with a fully charged one. EV users …