Multifunctional Cytochrome c: Learning New Tricks from an Old Dog
Cytochrome c (cyt c) is a small soluble heme protein characterized by a relatively flexible
structure, particularly in the ferric form, such that it is able to sample a broad conformational …
structure, particularly in the ferric form, such that it is able to sample a broad conformational …
Enzymes immobilized in mesoporous silica: A physical–chemical perspective
N Carlsson, H Gustafsson, C Thörn, L Olsson… - Advances in colloid and …, 2014 - Elsevier
Mesoporous materials as support for immobilized enzymes have been explored extensively
during the last two decades, primarily not only for biocatalysis applications, but also for …
during the last two decades, primarily not only for biocatalysis applications, but also for …
Multi-heme cytochrome-mediated extracellular electron transfer by the anaerobic methanotroph 'Candidatus Methanoperedens nitroreducens'
Anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) carry out anaerobic oxidation of methane, thus
playing a crucial role in the methane cycle. Previous genomic evidence indicates that multi …
playing a crucial role in the methane cycle. Previous genomic evidence indicates that multi …
Label-free detection of native proteins by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using iodide-modified nanoparticles
Proteins perform vital functional and structural duties in living systems, and the in-depth
investigation of protein in its native state is one of the most important challenges in the …
investigation of protein in its native state is one of the most important challenges in the …
Long-distance electron transport in individual, living cable bacteria
Electron transport within living cells is essential for energy conservation in all respiring and
photosynthetic organisms. While a few bacteria transport electrons over micrometer …
photosynthetic organisms. While a few bacteria transport electrons over micrometer …
Electron-Transfer Processes of Cytochrome c at Interfaces. New Insights by Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
The heme protein cytochrome c acts as an electron carrier at the mitochondrial-membrane
interface and thus exerts its function under the influence of strong electric fields. To assess …
interface and thus exerts its function under the influence of strong electric fields. To assess …
Alternative Conformations of Cytochrome c: Structure, Function, and Detection
Cytochrome c (cyt c) is a cationic hemoprotein of∼ 100 amino acid residues that exhibits
exceptional functional versatility. While its primary function is electron transfer in the …
exceptional functional versatility. While its primary function is electron transfer in the …
Probing structure and reaction dynamics of proteins using time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy
The mechanistic understanding of protein functions requires insight into the structural and
reaction dynamics. To elucidate these processes, a variety of experimental approaches are …
reaction dynamics. To elucidate these processes, a variety of experimental approaches are …
Effect of Colloidal Gold Size on the Conformational Changes of Adsorbed Cytochrome c: Probing by Circular Dichroism, UV−Visible, and Infrared Spectroscopy
X Jiang, J Jiang, Y **, E Wang, S Dong - Biomacromolecules, 2005 - ACS Publications
The conformational changes of bovine heart cytochrome c (cyt c) induced by the adsorption
on gold nanoparticles with different sizes have been investigated by electronic absorption …
on gold nanoparticles with different sizes have been investigated by electronic absorption …
Electrochemical characterization of direct electron uptake in electrical microbially influenced corrosion of iron by the lithoautotrophic SRB Desulfopila corrodens strain …
Corrosion of iron infrastructure in anoxic environments is commonly ascribed to the
metabolic activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which can influence electrochemical …
metabolic activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which can influence electrochemical …