Insider action research: opportunities and challenges

D Coghlan - Management Research News, 2007 -
Purpose–Within the context of the changing nature of research and of universities, insider
action research provides a particular expression of action research that poses considerable …

The origins of Lewin's three-step model of change

B Burnes - The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 2020 -
At the time of his death in 1947, Kurt Lewin was seen as one of the foremost psychologists of
his day. He is now best known for his three-step model of change. However, this has been …

[BOK][B] Designing social research: The logic of anticipation

N Blaikie, J Priest - 2019 -
Designing Social Research is a uniquely comprehensive and student-friendly guide to the
core knowledge and types of skills required for planning social research. The authors …

Action research: Exploring perspectives on a philosophy of practical knowing

D Coghlan - Academy of Management Annals, 2011 -
In the context of management and organization studies, the potential of action research for
generating robust actionable knowledge has not been yet realized. While there are historical …

Research methods in psychology

GM Breakwell, J Barnett, DB Wright - 2020 -
Research methods in psychology Page 2 Research Methods in Psychology Page 3 This
page intentionally left blank Page 4 Research Methods in Psychology Glynis M. Breakwell …

What can grounded theorists and action researchers learn from each other

B Dick - The SAGE handbook of grounded theory, 2007 -
Grounded theory and action research are not usually regarded as similar approaches to
research. Indeed, there are important differences. However, both develop theory grounded …

Métodos de pesquisa em psicologia

GM Breakwell, S Hammond… - … de pesquisa em …, 2010 -
RESUMO Prefácio Como Usar este Livro PARTE 1-As bases da Pesquisa Capítulo 1.
Teoria, Método e Delineamento de Pesquisa Capítulo 2. Questões Práticas e Éticas do …

Action research literature 2004-2006: Themes and trends

B Dick - Action research, 2006 -
This review of recent action research books covers the period from about mid-2004 to mid-
2006, complementing an earlier review (Dick, 2004). After noting some important recent …

Roles, politics, and ethics in action research design

D Coghlan, ABR Shani - Systemic Practice and Action Research, 2005 - Springer
For novice action researchers, issues of roles, politics and ethics are critical, particularly in
design. The field of organization development (OD) provides many useful considerations of …

Making development agents: Participation as boundary object in international development

M Green - The Government of Chronic Poverty, 2013 -
Despite high transaction and financial costs participatory approaches to development are
now standardised across a range of organisations internationally. Participatory planning in …