Fake review identification and utility evaluation model using machine learning
W Choi, K Nam, M Park, S Yang, S Hwang… - Frontiers in artificial …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Due to the structural growth of e-commerce platforms, the frequency of exchange of opinions
and the number of online reviews of platform participants related to products are increasing …
and the number of online reviews of platform participants related to products are increasing …
Impact of information consistency in online reviews on consumer behavior in the e-commerce industry: a text mining approach
Purpose The current study investigates the impact on perceived review helpfulness of the
simultaneous processing of information from multiple cues with various central and …
simultaneous processing of information from multiple cues with various central and …
Based Recommender System Using Outer Product on CNN
The expansion of the e-commerce market has led to the challenge of information overload,
necessitating the development of recommender systems. The recommender system aids …
necessitating the development of recommender systems. The recommender system aids …
An Intelligent Recommendation System by Integrating the Attributes of Product and Customer in the Movie Reviews
T Hong, J Hong, E Kim, M Kim - Journal of Intelligence and …, 2022 - koreascience.kr
As digital technology converges into the e-commerce market across industries, online
transactions have activated, and the use of online has increased. With the recent spread of …
transactions have activated, and the use of online has increased. With the recent spread of …
The Effect of Text Consistency between the Review Title and Content on Review Helpfulness
Q Li, J Kim - Knowledge Management Research, 2022 - koreascience.kr
Many studies have proposed several factors that affect review helpfulness. Previous studies
have investigated the effect of quantitative factors (eg, star ratings) and affective factors (eg …
have investigated the effect of quantitative factors (eg, star ratings) and affective factors (eg …
온라인 리뷰가 음식점 순위에 미치는 영향에 대한 분석
엄해정, 진현정 - 호텔경영학연구, 2024 - dbpia.co.kr
This study analyzes the impact of consumers' opinions included in online reviews on
restaurant rankings using CRT of the decision tree model among data mining …
restaurant rankings using CRT of the decision tree model among data mining …
지도 앱에서의 맛집 탐색 시, 리뷰어 정보 활용 행태에 대한 연구
김민주 - 2023 - s-space.snu.ac.kr
지도 어플리케이션을 통한 맛집 탐색이 일상화됨과 동시에, 이 과정에서 많은 소비자가 리뷰를
참고하고 있다. 하지만 익명성을 가지는 리뷰의 특성으로 인한 리뷰 조작 및 편향 문제가 …
참고하고 있다. 하지만 익명성을 가지는 리뷰의 특성으로 인한 리뷰 조작 및 편향 문제가 …
Rop-Cnn: Review-Based Hybrid Recommender System Using Outer Product on Cnn
S Hong, X Li, S Yang, J Kim - Available at SSRN 4656070 - papers.ssrn.com
The expansion of the e-commerce market has the challenge of information overload,
necessitating the development of recommender systems. The recommender system aids …
necessitating the development of recommender systems. The recommender system aids …
Analysis of the Relationship between Service Quality, Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention of On-line Fashion Shop** Malls and the Moderating Effect of Online …
BZ Jiang, Y Lee, J Lee - Journal of Internet of Things and …, 2022 - koreascience.kr
The development of the Internet of Things led to new services that did not exist before. This
required a change to the existing network. This study aims to verify the service quality …
required a change to the existing network. This study aims to verify the service quality …
A Comparative Analysis of Travelers' Online Reviews among China, USA, and South Korea using Sentiment Analysis in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
J Hong, T Hong - Journal of Information Technology Services, 2021 - koreascience.kr
In this study, we performed a comparative analysis of the sentiment value for the tourists in
USA, China, and Korea on the COVID19 pandemic era to explore and find out the features …
USA, China, and Korea on the COVID19 pandemic era to explore and find out the features …