Sociotechnical considerations about ocean carbon dioxide removal
Ocean carbon dioxide removal (OCDR) is rapidly attracting interest, as climate change is
putting ecosystems at risk and endangering human communities globally. Due to the …
putting ecosystems at risk and endangering human communities globally. Due to the …
[HTML][HTML] What is REDD+ achieving on the ground?
Highlights•REDD+ bundles of interventions are highly diverse.•There is insufficient use of
counterfactuals to attribute outcomes to REDD+.•Relatively few studies focus on the carbon …
counterfactuals to attribute outcomes to REDD+.•Relatively few studies focus on the carbon …
[PDF][PDF] Risk management and decision-making in relation to sustainable development
M Hurlbert, J Krishnaswamy, E Davin, FX Johnson… - 2019 - researcharchive.lincoln.ac.nz
Increases in global mean surface temperature are projected to result in continued
permafrost degradation and coastal degradation (high confidence), increased wildfire …
permafrost degradation and coastal degradation (high confidence), increased wildfire …
[HTML][HTML] Poverty reduction saves forests sustainably: Lessons for deforestation policies
M Miyamoto - World Development, 2020 - Elsevier
Efforts to reduce deforestation are increasing worldwide through the implementation of
climate change mitigation schemes and have recently been promoted as one of the goals of …
climate change mitigation schemes and have recently been promoted as one of the goals of …
[HTML][HTML] The political economy of net-zero transitions: Policy drivers, barriers, and justice benefits to decarbonization in eight carbon-neutral countries
This study examines the political economy of decarbonization in eight countries over the
period 2000 to 2021/2022 that have already achieved a national net-zero transition. These …
period 2000 to 2021/2022 that have already achieved a national net-zero transition. These …
Climate change mitigation, land grabbing and conflict: towards a landscape-based and collaborative action research agenda
Recent research has highlighted the conflict potential of both land deals and climate change
mitigation projects, but generally the two phenomena are studied separately and the focus is …
mitigation projects, but generally the two phenomena are studied separately and the focus is …
Conservation of the Ethiopian church forests: threats, opportunities and implications for their management
In the central and northern highlands of Ethiopia, native forest and forest biodiversity is
almost confined to sacred groves associated with churches. Local communities rely on these …
almost confined to sacred groves associated with churches. Local communities rely on these …
[HTML][HTML] Protected area co-management and perceived livelihood impacts
Creation of protected areas to conserve biodiversity can have both positive and negative
impacts, with impacts unequally distributed within local communities. A global shift towards …
impacts, with impacts unequally distributed within local communities. A global shift towards …
[HTML][HTML] REDD+ at risk: emerging ten questions that REDD+ must answer
As an important initiative of climate action, REDD+ has been increasingly discussed in
global policy arena. But delay in wider scale yet full-fledged implementation and its poor …
global policy arena. But delay in wider scale yet full-fledged implementation and its poor …
Nature's contributions to social determinants of mental health and the role of conservation
Little is known about the impending mental health impacts of the global nature crisis.
Existing evidence largely overlooks how nature sustains the economic and material …
Existing evidence largely overlooks how nature sustains the economic and material …