The strengths and weaknesses of future visioning approaches for climate change adaptation: A review
Adaptation to climate change is about planning for the future while responding to current
pressures and challenges. Adaptation scientists are increasingly using future visioning …
pressures and challenges. Adaptation scientists are increasingly using future visioning …
Reviewing the sociotechnical dynamics of carbon removal
In recent years, carbon removal and associated net-zero energy technologies have
emerged as serious options for policymakers and scientists to consider when trying to …
emerged as serious options for policymakers and scientists to consider when trying to …
[HTML][HTML] Inviting a decolonial praxis for future imaginaries of nature: Introducing the Entangled Time Tree
The practice of envisioning the future has deep roots in the past. Across the continent of
Africa, there are traditions of oral storytelling, griots, folklore, and indigenous speculation that …
Africa, there are traditions of oral storytelling, griots, folklore, and indigenous speculation that …
The status of climate change adaptation in fisheries management: Policy, legislation and implementation
Climate change is altering ecosystems and fisheries throughout the world's oceans,
demanding climate‐adaptive governance for conserving and managing living marine …
demanding climate‐adaptive governance for conserving and managing living marine …
Towards a better future for biodiversity and people: Modelling Nature Futures
Abstract The Nature Futures Framework (NFF) is a heuristic tool for co-creating positive
futures for nature and people. It seeks to open up a diversity of futures through mainly three …
futures for nature and people. It seeks to open up a diversity of futures through mainly three …
[HTML][HTML] The living infinite: Envisioning futures for transformed human-nature relationships on the high seas
We find ourselves at a critical crossroads for the future governance of the high seas, but the
perceived remoteness of the global ocean creates a psychological barrier for people to …
perceived remoteness of the global ocean creates a psychological barrier for people to …
Grounding global environmental assessments through bottom-up futures based on local practices and perspectives
Future scenarios and pathways of potential development trajectories are powerful tools to
assist with decision-making to address many sustainability challenges. Such scenarios play …
assist with decision-making to address many sustainability challenges. Such scenarios play …
[HTML][HTML] Between continuous presents and disruptive futures: Identifying the ideological backbones of global environmental scenarios
A Lauer, C de Castro, Ó Carpintero - Futures, 2024 - Elsevier
Despite the great relevance of global environmental scenarios for the study of environmental
change and sustainability transitions, they have rarely been the object of analysis for …
change and sustainability transitions, they have rarely been the object of analysis for …
[HTML][HTML] Participatory development of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways for Austria's agriculture and food systems
Agriculture and food systems are central to managing biodiversity loss and climate change.
Future changes in agriculture and food systems are highly uncertain and depend on …
Future changes in agriculture and food systems are highly uncertain and depend on …
Climate change mitigation scenario databases should incorporate more non-IAM pathways
Ajay Gambhir is a senior research fellow at the Grantham Institute, Imperial College London.
His research focuses on climate change mitigation, including integrated assessment …
His research focuses on climate change mitigation, including integrated assessment …