[HTML][HTML] Conscious processing and the global neuronal workspace hypothesis

GA Mashour, P Roelfsema, JP Changeux, S Dehaene - Neuron, 2020 - cell.com
We review the central tenets and neuroanatomical basis of the global neuronal workspace
(GNW) hypothesis, which attempts to account for the main scientific observations regarding …

Surviving threats: neural circuit and computational implications of a new taxonomy of defensive behaviour

J LeDoux, ND Daw - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2018 - nature.com
Research on defensive behaviour in mammals has in recent years focused on elicited
reactions; however, organisms also make active choices when responding to danger. We …

A higher-order theory of emotional consciousness

JE LeDoux, R Brown - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017 - pnas.org
Emotional states of consciousness, or what are typically called emotional feelings, are
traditionally viewed as being innately programmed in subcortical areas of the brain, and are …

Neurocognitive architecture of working memory

J Eriksson, EK Vogel, A Lansner, F Bergström… - Neuron, 2015 - cell.com
A crucial role for working memory in temporary information processing and guidance of
complex behavior has been recognized for many decades. There is emerging consensus …

No-report paradigms: extracting the true neural correlates of consciousness

N Tsuchiya, M Wilke, S Frässle, VAF Lamme - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2015 - cell.com
The goal of consciousness research is to reveal the neural basis of phenomenal experience.
To study phenomenology, experimenters seem obliged to ask reports from the subjects to …

Attention restoration theory: Exploring the role of soft fascination and mental bandwidth

A Basu, J Duvall, R Kaplan - Environment and Behavior, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Soft fascination is a key but underexamined element of Attention Restoration Theory (ART).
According to ART, attending to softly fascinating stimuli not only requires little effort but also …

[Књига][B] Cognitive psychology: A student's handbook

MW Eysenck, MT Keane - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
The fully updated eighth edition of Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook provides
comprehensive yet accessible coverage of all the key areas in the field ranging from visual …

[Књига][B] Working memory and second language learning: Towards an integrated approach

Z Wen - 2016 - degruyter.com
The book investigates theories and measures of working memory in second language
learning, processing and development. Research syntheses, theoretical perspectives and …

Brain mechanisms underlying the brief maintenance of seen and unseen sensory information

JR King, N Pescetelli, S Dehaene - Neuron, 2016 - cell.com
Recent evidence of unconscious working memory challenges the notion that only visible
stimuli can be actively maintained over time. In the present study, we investigated the neural …

[HTML][HTML] The global workspace needs metacognition

N Shea, CD Frith - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2019 - cell.com
The two leading cognitive accounts of consciousness currently available concern global
workspace (a form of working memory) and metacognition. There is relatively little …