[HTML][HTML] Effects of silicon on heavy metal uptake at the soil-plant interphase: A review
Silicon (Si) is the second richest element in the soil and surface of earth crust with a variety
of positive roles in soils and plants. Different soil factors influence the Si bioavailability in soil …
of positive roles in soils and plants. Different soil factors influence the Si bioavailability in soil …
[HTML][HTML] Anaerobic biodegradation of (emerging) organic contaminants in the aquatic environment
AK Ghattas, F Fischer, A Wick, TA Ternes - Water research, 2017 - Elsevier
Although strictly anaerobic conditions prevail in several environmental compartments, up to
now, biodegradation studies with emerging organic contaminants (EOCs), such as …
now, biodegradation studies with emerging organic contaminants (EOCs), such as …
Beyond bulk: Density fractions explain heterogeneity in global soil carbon abundance and persistence
Understanding the controls on the amount and persistence of soil organic carbon (C) is
essential for predicting its sensitivity to global change. The response may depend on …
essential for predicting its sensitivity to global change. The response may depend on …
Fundamentals of microbial community resistance and resilience
Microbial communities are at the heart of all ecosystems, and yet microbial community
behavior in disturbed environments remains difficult to measure and predict. Understanding …
behavior in disturbed environments remains difficult to measure and predict. Understanding …
Environmental fluctuations and their effects on microbial communities, populations and individuals
From the homeostasis of human health to the cycling of Earth's elements, microbial activities
underlie environmental, medical and industrial processes. These activities occur in chemical …
underlie environmental, medical and industrial processes. These activities occur in chemical …
Microbial control over carbon cycling in soil
A major thrust of terrestrial microbial ecology is focused on understanding when and how
the composition of the microbial community affects the functioning of biogeochemical …
the composition of the microbial community affects the functioning of biogeochemical …
Ecology of nitrogen fixing, nitrifying, and denitrifying microorganisms in tropical forest soils
Soil microorganisms play important roles in nitrogen cycling within forest ecosystems.
Current research has revealed that a wider variety of microorganisms, with unexpected …
Current research has revealed that a wider variety of microorganisms, with unexpected …
Redox potential (Eh) and pH as drivers of soil/plant/microorganism systems: a transdisciplinary overview pointing to integrative opportunities for agronomy
O Husson - Plant and soil, 2013 - Springer
Background Oxidation-reduction and acid–base reactions are essential for the maintenance
of all living organisms. However, redox potential (Eh) has received little attention in …
of all living organisms. However, redox potential (Eh) has received little attention in …
Soil redox dynamics under dynamic hydrologic regimes-A review
Electron transfer (redox) reactions, mediated by soil microbiota, modulate elemental cycling
and, in part, establish the redox poise of soil systems. Understanding soil redox processes …
and, in part, establish the redox poise of soil systems. Understanding soil redox processes …
Evaluating rRNA as an indicator of microbial activity in environmental communities: limitations and uses
Microbes exist in a range of metabolic states (for example, dormant, active and growing) and
analysis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is frequently employed to identify the 'active'fraction of …
analysis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is frequently employed to identify the 'active'fraction of …