Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., brown trout Salmo trutta L. and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.): a review of aspects of their life histories

A Klemetsen, PA Amundsen… - … of freshwater fish, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Among the species in the family Salmonidae, those represented by the genera Salmo,
Salvelinus, and Oncorhynchus (subfamily Salmoninae) are the most studied. Here, various …

A critical life stage of the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar: behaviour and survival during the smolt and initial post‐smolt migration

EB Thorstad, F Whoriskey, I Uglem… - Journal of fish …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The anadromous life cycle of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar involves long migrations to novel
environments and challenging physiological transformations when moving between salt …


SO Stefansson, BT Björnsson, LOE Ebbesson… - Fish larval …, 2020 -
Several salmonid species, including members of the genera Oncorhynchus, Salmo and
Salvelinus, are anadromous and undergo a significant structural and functional …

A review of the likely effects of climate change on anadromous Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta, with particular reference to water …

B Jonsson, N Jonsson - Journal of fish biology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The present paper reviews the effects of water temperature and flow on migrations,
embryonic development, hatching, emergence, growth and life‐history traits in light of the …

Movement, migration, and smolting of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

SD McCormick, LP Hansen, TP Quinn… - Canadian Journal of …, 1998 -
Une grande variété de déplacements caractérise la plasticité comportementale du saumon
de l'Atlantique en eau douce, notamment le départ des alevins qui quittent le nid …

4 The physiology of smolting salmonids

WS Hoar - Fish physiology, 1988 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter describes the different aspects of the physiology of
smolting salmonids. Many salmonids—the fish of the genera, Oncorhynchus, Salmo, and …

[PDF][PDF] Preparatory physiological adaptations for marine life of salmonids: osmoregulation, growth, and metabolism

SD McCormick, RL Saunders - Am. Fish. Soc. Symp, 1987 -
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, steelhead S. gairdneri, and several species of Pacific salmon
Oncorhynchus spp. undergo transformation from stream-dwelling parr to seaward-migrating …

Basin‐scale phenology and effects of climate variability on global timing of initial seaward migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

J Otero, JH L'Abée‐Lund, T Castro‐Santos… - Global change …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Migrations between different habitats are key events in the lives of many organisms. Such
movements involve annually recurring travel over long distances usually triggered by …

Aquatic nomads: the life and migrations of the Atlantic salmon

EB Thorstad, F Whoriskey, AH Rikardsen… - Atlantic salmon …, 2011 -
Abstract The Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. is native to the temperate and subarctic regions
of the North Atlantic Ocean. The species has a complex and diverse array of life-histories …

[CARTE][B] Ecology and management of Atlantic salmon

D Mills - 1991 -
From reviews of the hardback edition:-No matter how experienced a salmon man the reader
is, I cannot believe he will study this extremely informative book without learning a great deal …