Quantum repeaters: From quantum networks to the quantum internet

K Azuma, SE Economou, D Elkouss, P Hilaire… - Reviews of Modern …, 2023‏ - APS
A quantum internet is the holy grail of quantum information processing, enabling the
deployment of a broad range of quantum technologies and protocols on a global scale …

Quantum dots for photonic quantum information technology

T Heindel, JH Kim, N Gregersen, A Rastelli… - Advances in Optics …, 2023‏ - opg.optica.org
The generation, manipulation, storage, and detection of single photons play a central role in
emerging photonic quantum information technology. Individual photons serve as flying …

Light–matter interactions in quantum nanophotonic devices

A González-Tudela, A Reiserer… - Nature Reviews …, 2024‏ - nature.com
Nanophotonics offers opportunities for engineering and exploiting the quantum properties of
light by integrating quantum emitters into nanostructures, and offering reliable paths to …

Solid-state single-photon emitters

I Aharonovich, D Englund, M Toth - Nature photonics, 2016‏ - nature.com
Single-photon emitters play an important role in many leading quantum technologies. There
is still no'ideal'on-demand single-photon emitter, but a plethora of promising material …

[ספר][B] Quantum computing: an applied approach

JD Hidary - 2021‏ - Springer
Our world, of course, changed in many other ways as well since the publication of the first
edition. The global pandemic impacted all areas of society and will probably transform how …

Quantum network nodes based on diamond qubits with an efficient nanophotonic interface

CT Nguyen, DD Sukachev, MK Bhaskar, B Machielse… - Physical review …, 2019‏ - APS
Quantum networks require functional nodes consisting of stationary registers with the
capability of high-fidelity quantum processing and storage, which efficiently interface with …

An integrated diamond nanophotonics platform for quantum-optical networks

A Sipahigil, RE Evans, DD Sukachev, MJ Burek… - Science, 2016‏ - science.org
Efficient interfaces between photons and quantum emitters form the basis for quantum
networks and enable optical nonlinearities at the single-photon level. We demonstrate an …

An integrated nanophotonic quantum register based on silicon-vacancy spins in diamond

CT Nguyen, DD Sukachev, MK Bhaskar, B Machielse… - Physical Review B, 2019‏ - APS
We realize an elementary quantum network node consisting of a silicon-vacancy (SiV) color
center inside a diamond nanocavity coupled to a nearby nuclear spin with 100-ms-long …

Strong coupling and induced transparency at room temperature with single quantum dots and gap plasmons

H Leng, B Szychowski, MC Daniel, M Pelton - Nature communications, 2018‏ - nature.com
Coherent coupling between plasmons and transition dipole moments in emitters can lead to
two distinct spectral effects: vacuum Rabi splitting at strong coupling strengths, and induced …

Ultrafast all‐optical switching

Z Chai, X Hu, F Wang, X Niu, J **e… - Advanced Optical …, 2017‏ - Wiley Online Library
Ultrafast all‐optical switching, possessing the unique function of light controlling light, is an
essential component of on‐chip ultrafast optical connection networks as well as integrated …