Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) blues: Powering BRI research back on track to avoid choppy seas
JMF Blanchard - Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2021 - Springer
This piece examines and critiques the massive literature on China's ambitious Belt and
Road Initiative (BRI). It details how research currently seems stuck on the road to nowhere …
Road Initiative (BRI). It details how research currently seems stuck on the road to nowhere …
When food meets BRI: China's emerging food silk road
One of the crucial but overlooked aspects of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is the food
and agricultural cooperation. In this paper, we argue that under BRI, China is building a …
and agricultural cooperation. In this paper, we argue that under BRI, China is building a …
Common transport infrastructure: A quantitative model and estimates from the Belt and Road Initiative
This paper presents a structural general equilibrium model to analyze the effects on trade,
welfare, and gross domestic product of common transport infrastructure. The model builds …
welfare, and gross domestic product of common transport infrastructure. The model builds …
China's Belt and Road Initiative and the emerging geographies of global urbanisation
China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is heralded as the largest investment in infrastructure
in history and is expected to re‐shape the geographies of urbanisation in the coming …
in history and is expected to re‐shape the geographies of urbanisation in the coming …
Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on China's soft power: preliminary evidence
Using latest available international survey data on soft power and China's overseas direct
investment (ODI) statistics, this paper examines if China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) …
investment (ODI) statistics, this paper examines if China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) …
[KNIHA][B] Value chains transformation and transport reconnection in Eurasia: Geo-economic and geopolitical implications
JM Pepe - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
This book focuses on the geo-economic and geopolitical impact of value chains
transformation on the transport-logistic reintegration of continental Eurasian countries, with a …
transformation on the transport-logistic reintegration of continental Eurasian countries, with a …
Improved water management is central to solving the water-energy-food trilemma in Lao PDR
M McCartney, J Brunner - International Journal of Water Resources …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Relying on published literature, we reviewed water-energy-food issues in Lao PDR in the
context of a policy shift to more sustainable 'green growth'and significantly increased …
context of a policy shift to more sustainable 'green growth'and significantly increased …
Pitfalls or windfalls in China's belt and road economic outreach?
R Jain - Asian Survey, 2020 - online.ucpress.edu
In just over six years, China's Belt and Road Initiative has swiftly expanded to vast swaths of
the globe, with as many as 138 countries signing on. In 2017, President **'s …
the globe, with as many as 138 countries signing on. In 2017, President **'s …
The nature of Lao security challenges
B Howe - Asian Affairs: An American Review, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
East Asia (including the sub regions of Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia) has been viewed
as ranking among the most dangerous or conflictual regions on the planet, enduring colonial …
as ranking among the most dangerous or conflictual regions on the planet, enduring colonial …
Tek Kuşak Tek Yol Girişiminde Türkiye'nin Ticareti: Çekim Modeli Analizi
Büyümenin ve kalkınmanın temel belirleyicilerinden biri olan dış ticaretin sürdürülebilir
olması tüm ekonomiler için önem arz etmektedir. Bu amaçla Çin'in öncülüğünde …
olması tüm ekonomiler için önem arz etmektedir. Bu amaçla Çin'in öncülüğünde …