Climate change, coral loss, and the curious case of the parrotfish paradigm: why don't marine protected areas improve reef resilience?

JF Bruno, IM Côté, LT Toth - Annual review of marine science, 2019 -
Scientists have advocated for local interventions, such as creating marine protected areas
and implementing fishery restrictions, as ways to mitigate local stressors to limit the effects of …

Insights into the coral microbiome: underpinning the health and resilience of reef ecosystems

DG Bourne, KM Morrow… - Annual review of …, 2016 -
Corals are fundamental ecosystem engineers, creating large, intricate reefs that support
diverse and abundant marine life. At the core of a healthy coral animal is a dynamic …

Plastic waste associated with disease on coral reefs

JB Lamb, BL Willis, EA Fiorenza, CS Couch, R Howard… - Science, 2018 -
Plastic waste can promote microbial colonization by pathogens implicated in outbreaks of
disease in the ocean. We assessed the influence of plastic waste on disease risk in 124,000 …

Lytic to temperate switching of viral communities

B Knowles, CB Silveira, BA Bailey, K Barott, VA Cantu… - Nature, 2016 -
Microbial viruses can control host abundances via density-dependent lytic predator–prey
dynamics. Less clear is how temperate viruses, which coexist and replicate with their host …

Predictive functional profiling of microbial communities using 16S rRNA marker gene sequences

MGI Langille, J Zaneveld, JG Caporaso… - Nature …, 2013 -
Profiling phylogenetic marker genes, such as the 16S rRNA gene, is a key tool for studies of
microbial communities but does not provide direct evidence of a community's functional …

Removal of detritivore sea cucumbers from reefs increases coral disease

CS Clements, ZA Pratte, FJ Stewart, ME Hay - Nature Communications, 2024 -
Coral reefs are in global decline with coral diseases playing a significant role. This is
especially true for Acroporid corals that represent~ 25% of all Pacific coral species and …

Predicting climate-driven regime shifts versus rebound potential in coral reefs

NAJ Graham, S Jennings, MA MacNeil, D Mouillot… - Nature, 2015 -
Climate-induced coral bleaching is among the greatest current threats to coral reefs, causing
widespread loss of live coral cover. Conditions under which reefs bounce back from …

[HTML][HTML] Nitrogen cycling in corals: the key to understanding holobiont functioning?

N Rädecker, C Pogoreutz, CR Voolstra… - Trends in …, 2015 -
Corals are animals that form close mutualistic associations with endosymbiotic
photosynthetic algae of the genus Symbiodinium. Together they provide the calcium …

Responses of coral-associated bacterial communities to local and global stressors

JM McDevitt-Irwin, JK Baum, M Garren… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2017 -
The microbial contribution to ecological resilience is still largely overlooked in coral reef
ecology. Coral-associated bacteria serve a wide variety of functional roles with reference to …

Microbial interactions with dissolved organic matter are central to coral reef ecosystem function and resilience

CE Nelson, L Wegley Kelly… - Annual Review of Marine …, 2023 -
To thrive in nutrient-poor waters, coral reefs must retain and recycle materials efficiently. This
review centers microbial processes in facilitating the persistence and stability of coral reefs …