Transdisciplinarity in STEM education: A critical review
ABSTRACT Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education
garnered significant attention in recent years and has emerged as a key field of research …
garnered significant attention in recent years and has emerged as a key field of research …
Knowledge management in software engineering: A systematic review of studied concepts, findings and research methods used
Software engineering is knowledge-intensive work, and how to manage software
engineering knowledge has received much attention. This systematic review identifies …
engineering knowledge has received much attention. This systematic review identifies …
The ABC of software engineering research
A variety of research methods and techniques are available to SE researchers, and while
several overviews exist, there is consistency neither in the research methods covered nor in …
several overviews exist, there is consistency neither in the research methods covered nor in …
[LIVRO][B] Case study research in software engineering: Guidelines and examples
Based on their own experiences of in-depth case studies of software projects in international
corporations, in this book the authors present detailed practical guidelines on the …
corporations, in this book the authors present detailed practical guidelines on the …
Systematic literature reviews in agile software development: A tertiary study
Context A number of systematic literature reviews and map** studies (SLRs) covering
numerous primary research studies on various aspects of agile software development (ASD) …
numerous primary research studies on various aspects of agile software development (ASD) …
Guidelines for conducting and reporting case study research in software engineering
Case study is a suitable research methodology for software engineering research since it
studies contemporary phenomena in its natural context. However, the understanding of what …
studies contemporary phenomena in its natural context. However, the understanding of what …
Self-organizing roles on agile software development teams
Self-organizing teams have been recognized and studied in various forms-as autonomous
groups in socio-technical systems, enablers of organizational theories, agents of knowledge …
groups in socio-technical systems, enablers of organizational theories, agents of knowledge …
Toward agile: an integrated analysis of quantitative and qualitative field data on software development agility
As business and technology environments change at an unpre cedented rate, software
development agility to respond to changing user requirements has become increasingly …
development agility to respond to changing user requirements has become increasingly …
Issues, challenges, and a proposed theoretical core of agile software development research
Over the last two decades, agile software development (ASD) has garnered much attention
in both research and practice. Several ASD methods and techniques have been developed …
in both research and practice. Several ASD methods and techniques have been developed …
Identifying some important success factors in adopting agile software development practices
Agile software development (ASD) is an emerging approach in software engineering,
initially advocated by a group of 17 software professionals who practice a set of “lightweight” …
initially advocated by a group of 17 software professionals who practice a set of “lightweight” …