[KNIHA][B] Parameterized algorithms

M Cygan, FV Fomin, Ł Kowalik, D Lokshtanov, D Marx… - 2015 - Springer
The goal of this textbook is twofold. First, the book serves as an introduction to the field of
parameterized algorithms and complexity accessible to graduate students and advanced …

[PDF][PDF] Recent developments in kernelization: A survey

S Kratsch - Bulletin of EATCS, 2014 - smtp.eatcs.org
Kernelization is a formalization of efficient preprocessing, aimed mainly at combinatorially
hard problems. Empirically, preprocessing is highly successful in practice, eg, in state-of-the …

Subquadratic Kernels for Implicit 3-Hitting Set and 3-Set Packing Problems

FV Fomin, TN Le, D Lokshtanov, S Saurabh… - ACM Transactions on …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
We consider four well-studied NP-complete packing/covering problems on graphs:
Feedback Vertex Set in Tournaments (FVST), Cluster Vertex Deletion (CVD), Triangle …

Characterizing the easy-to-find subgraphs from the viewpoint of polynomial-time algorithms, kernels, and Turing kernels

BMP Jansen, D Marx - Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual ACM-SIAM …, 2014 - SIAM
We study two fundamental problems related to finding subgraphs:(1) given graphs G and H,
Subgraph Test asks if H is isomorphic to a subgraph of G,(2) given graphs G, H, and an …

Packing arc-disjoint cycles in tournaments

S Bessy, M Bougeret, R Krithika, A Sahu, S Saurabh… - Algorithmica, 2021 - Springer
A tournament is a directed graph in which there is a single arc between every pair of distinct
vertices. Given a tournament T on n vertices, we explore the classical and parameterized …

[HTML][HTML] A 2k-kernelization algorithm for vertex cover based on crown decomposition

W Li, B Zhu - Theoretical computer science, 2018 - Elsevier
We revisit crown decomposition for the Vertex Cover problem by giving a simple 2k-
kernelization algorithm. Previously, a 2k kernel was known but it was computed using both …

Expansion Lemma—Variations and Applications to Polynomial-Time Preprocessing

A Jacob, D Majumdar, V Raman - Algorithms, 2023 - mdpi.com
In parameterized complexity, it is well-known that a parameterized problem is fixed-
parameter tractable if and only if it has a kernel—an instance equivalent to the input …

Kernelization for graph packing problems via rainbow matching

S Bessy, M Bougeret, DM Thilikos… - Proceedings of the 2023 …, 2023 - SIAM
We introduce a new kernelization tool, called rainbow matching technique, that is
appropriate for the design of polynomial kernels for packing problems. Our technique …

What's next? Future directions in parameterized complexity

D Marx - The Multivariate Algorithmic Revolution and Beyond …, 2012 - Springer
The progress in parameterized complexity has been very significant in recent years, with
new research questions and directions, such as kernelization lower bounds, appearing and …

Subquadratic Kernels for Implicit 3-Hitting Set and 3-Set Packing Problems

TN Le, D Lokshtanov, S Saurabh, S Thomassé… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 - SIAM
We consider four well-studied NP-complete packing/covering problems on graphs:
Feedback Vertex Set in Tournaments (FVST), Cluster Vertex Deletion (CVD), Triangle …